Part 5

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The last thing you remembered was Kirishima and Bakugou looking at you with worried eyes. The steady sound of a machine beeping slowly woke you from your unconscious state.

"I'm just glad you're both alright," a familiar voice said.


"That was, honestly terrifying. I'm, I'm,"

"Just shut up with the mushy garbage, Kirishima." Another familiar voice growled.

'And Katsuki to.'

"Come on. We're all fine now." Bakugou said. You opened your eyes, squinting as a bright, white light blinded you. You were laying in a hospital bed, Kirishima and Bakugou laying in beds next to you. Bakugou had cooling packs over the burns on his body, while Kirishima had a cast over his arm that had been affected by Shigaraki's Quirk. Kirishima looked over at you, his eyes widening.

"Huh? Oh, [Y/N]! You're awake!" Kirishima said, relief shinning in his ruby red eyes. "How are you feeling? You kind of passed out on us earlier." Kirishima said. You nodded, sitting up in the bed. You groaned and held your head, your vision swimming a bit. You took a deep breath and looked at the two boys who had rescued you.

"Yeah. Sorry about that. When I let my powers take control, it takes a lot out of me and I end up passing out," you said. "W-what about you two? How are your burns, Bakugou? And your arm, Kirishima?" You asked, desperate to know that your friends were okay. Bakugou glanced at you.

"Calm down. We're alright. We're both fine," he said. He then scoffed. "Tch, You really think I'd be taken down by a week ass villain like that? I only have some small burns, they'll heal." Bakugou said. You sighed in relief, happy that Bakugou wasn't too injured. You looked to Kirishima. He smiled.

"Don't worry yourself too much. My arm's a little wounded, but the doctor said it'll heal up in a couple weeks or so," he said. "Plus, once we get back home, Recovery Girl can help with the healing process." He said. He looked down at his arm, smiling. "To be honest, I really don't mind having this cast. It just means that my friends can sign it." Kirishima said, smiling. Tears started coming to your eyes. Your friends risked their lives for you, and you couldn't do a damn thing. You felt so useless. You sniffed, trying to brush your tears away. Kirishima looked at you, worried.

"Huh, hey, [Y/N], don't cry," he said, trying to comfort you. Bakugou glanced at you. He knew what you were feeling. He went through the exact same thing when the League of Villains attacked the training camp and kidnapped both you and him. "What's wrong?" Kirishima asked, thinking that you had been hurt. You sniffed again.

"I-I feel useless." You said, still trying to brush your tears away. Kirishima's eyes widened.

"You feel useless? No, don't you ever say that!" Kirishima said. He sighed. "Ugh. I wish I wasn't hooked up to all this stuff otherwise I'd come give you a hug." Kirishima said, looking down at all the wires he was connected to. You continued to cry, Kirishima's kind words doing very little to comfort you. Bakugou sighed.

"Oh shut up, you're not useless," he said, looking at you. You froze, looking into Bakugou's red eyes. "You were tied to a chair with something you couldn't use your Quirk against. You were completely restrained. The hell did you plan to do when you couldn't move, huh?" Bakugou asked, looking at you. You sniffed and looked down at your hands. Kirishima looked at Bakugou.

"Bakugou. Well, I mean, he's right. You couldn't even move. And you said so yourself. Your Quirk doesn't work on Platinum, which is what they used to restrain you. Besides that awesome attack you did with the air, there was really nothing you could have done." Kirishima said. You sniffed and sighed, brushing some tears away.

Stay By Our Side: Kirishima x Reader x Bakugou: Poly RelationshipWhere stories live. Discover now