Part 2

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The sun drifted through the curtains of the hotel room. You sighed and snuggled deeper into the pillow. Hearing someone else sigh and hum in their sleep made you open your eyes. Somehow, during the middle of the night, you ended up on the other side of Bakugou. You looked over at said male and almost let out a bark of laughter. Bakugou was laying on his back, arms spread out. His leg was draped over Kirishima's legs. You sighed and yawned, stretching and groaning when your limbs popped. Bakugou sighed and opened his eyes. He yawned and turned his head to you. The peaceful look on his face was now replaced by his normal scowl.

"Hmm. You're awake. Did you just lay there staring at me?" Bakugou asked. Your cheeks flushed lightly.

"W-what? No." You said. Bakugou rolled his eyes.

"Whatever," he said, stretching and groaning. He looked at you again. "How long have you been awake huh?" He asked. You turned your head to look at the ceiling.

"I woke up not too long before you did." You said. Bakugou hummed.

"Oh you just woke up too?" Kirishima's light snores filled the silence. Bakugou growled slightly and glared at the sleeping male. "Must be because of this bastard snoring." Bakugou said. You rolled your eyes.

"Leave him along, Bakugou. You snore too." You said. Bakugou glared at you. Again, you could have sworn his cheeks were touched red with a blush.

"S-shut up, dumbass! I don't snore!" He growled. You chuckled and rolled over onto your side, tucking your arm under your head.

"Your stutter says otherwise." You said. Bakugou growled at you.

"You, just, just shut up," he turned away, looking at Kirishima. He sighed in frustration, the red on his face gone. "Hey, Weird Hair. Wake the hell up, you're loud," Bakugou said. Kirishima kept sleeping, his snores still going. Bakugou growled again. "Oi! Kirishima! Wake up or I'm gonna kick you." Bakugou said. Again, the red head snored on. True to his word, Bakugou sent a kick to the sleeping male. Kirishima grunted. His eyes opened, still hazy with sleep.

"Uh? What?" Kirishima looked over at you and Bakugou. "Oh. Good morning to you too, Bakugou." Kirishima said. He then frowned. "Jeez man. You didn't need to kick me that hard." He said. Bakugou rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. I barley touched you." He said. You scoffed.

"Yeah. Like you barley touch the people you attack with your explosions." You said. Bakugou growled.

"Whatever." He said. Kirishima looked over at you.

"Did you sleep well, [Y/N]?" He asked. You smiled and nodded.

"Yes. I slept pretty well, Kirishima. Thanks for asking. How about you?" You said. Kirishima smiled.

"I slept like a rock." He said, making you chuckle at the unintended pun. Bakugou sighed.

"That's 'cause you are a rock." Bakugou said. Kirishima chuckled and nodded.

"Well, you're not wrong, I guess." Kirishima said. There was a moment of silence, until Bakugou hummed, looking up at the ceiling.

"Hmm. Hungry." He said, making you chuckle. Kirishima nodded.

"Same." He said. You sighed and sat up in bed, stretching once more. You looked over at the two males.

"Hey. You two want to go to the café and get some free breakfast? I heard that it's an all you can eat." You said. Kirishima sat up, his eyes shinning.

"You had me at all you can eat!" Kirishima said, making you chuckle. Bakugou sighed and nodded.

"Yeah. Let me just get dressed first." He said. You nodded, pulling the blankets back and getting out of bed. You walked over to the foot of your bed and unzipped your suitcase, taking out your outfit for the day. Kirishima nodded.

Stay By Our Side: Kirishima x Reader x Bakugou: Poly RelationshipWhere stories live. Discover now