Part 4

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After having put up a pretty good fight against Shigaraki and Dabi, and unfortunately, loosing, your world turned to black. You had no idea where you were now, or if Kirishima and Bakugou were even still alive.

"So," a familiar, scratchy voice said. "This is the right kid, right?" Shigaraki asked.

"Yup," Dabi responded. "Made sure of it." Dabi said. Shigaraki hummed in delight.

"Good. Their quirk will be pretty useful for the Nomu we're trying to make." Shigaraki said. You opened your eyes, and saw Shigaraki and Dabi standing in front of you, backs turned to you. You tried to move your hands, finding them tied behind a chair with some metal cuffs. You closed your eyes and pressed some of your fingers against the cuffs, trying to bend the metal to your will. However, you didn't feel a connection or pull from the metal, which is what your normally felt when you activated your Quirk.

They must be using a kind of pure metal. You thought. One of the limits to your Quirk, was that you can only control impure metals. Copper, zinc, tin, lead, chromium, nickel, silver, and gold are just a few impure metals that you can control. You can control impure metals because they have traces of rock in them. When you control the metals, your powers hone in on the little traces of rock in the metals, thus allowing you to control the metal. Platinum is the only metal that you can't control, due to it being so pure, it has no traces of rock in it. You looked at Dabi and Shigaraki.  I wonder how long it will take for them to notice I'm awake. You thought. Dabi sighed and lifted his head up to the ceiling.

"All we gotta do now is just wait for Twice to get his ass back here so we can all leave this island." Dabi said. It must have been Toga who transformed into Izuku to trick you, Kirishima and Bakugou into leaving the resort. Shigaraki nodded.

"I sent Kurogiri and Toga to go look for him. They better not take long. This island is too hot," he complained. He groaned slightly and scratched at the skin on his neck. "I hate it here. I think I got a sunburn." He grumbled. Dabi looked at him.

"Oh, you got a little burn?" Dabi mocked, faking sympathy. "Aw, you poor thing. Suck it up. My whole body's burnt." Dabi said. You resisted the urge to snicker at Dabi's words. Shigaraki glared at Dabi. He growled.

"Dabi. You're a real jerk. Working with you is insufferable." Shigaraki complained. Dabi shrugged.

"Well, you let me into the league." He said. He then hummed in thought. "You know, I should have brought my bathing suit. We could really use a vacation, don't you think?" Dabi asked. Shigaraki growled slightly.

"No, Dabi. You really think we have time to just, sit around and do nothing all day?" Shigaraki asked. Dabi scoffed.

"Tch, says you. You basically do nothing all day when we're at the bar. You literally sit on your ass and play video games the second we get any down time." Dabi said. Shigaraki glanced at Dabi.

"I didn't hear you complaining about that when we were playing Mario Kart the other day," Shigaraki said. Dabi's eye twitched slightly in irritation. "I saw you having fun. You could pretend you weren't, but I saw it." Shigaraki said. Dabi glared at the blue haired man.

"You didn't see shit, crusty." Dabi said. Shigaraki scowled.

"I told you to stop calling me that." Shigaraki grumbled, scratching at his neck.

"Yeah, you remember what I said?" Dabi asked. Shigaraki grumbled, looking away. "What did I say?" He asked again. You finally decided it was time to make your presence known. As much as you enjoyed watching them bicker, it was time to get some answers and try to find away out of here.

"He told you to stop being crusty." You said, making the two whirl around. You smirked slightly. "What? Did I startle you? My bad." You said, shrugging. Shigaraki smirked.

Stay By Our Side: Kirishima x Reader x Bakugou: Poly RelationshipWhere stories live. Discover now