Part 6

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//Author's Note: [L/N] = Last Name//


You stared in horror as Dabi's flames engulfed Bakugou, his screams of pain like torture to your ears. Your eyes turned to Kirishima, who was trying to fend off Shigaraki. Kirishima tripped and fell to the ground. He stared at you.

"[Y/N]! Help us!"

You wanted to help them. But you couldn't move. You were still tied to the chair, the platinum cuffs on your wrists unmoving when you tried to use your Quirk. Kirishima's ruby red eyes bore into your [e/c] orbs.

"Please! Help us!"

Tears fell from your eyes as you watched Shigaraki place all five of his fingers onto Kirishima's face. His body disintegrated right before your eyes. They were gone. Your best friends were gone.

And there was nothing you could do.


You jolted awake, gasping for air. Your eyes wondered around the somewhat familiar room. All the memories of yesterday came rushing back. You sighed in slight relief. Kirishima and Bakugou were safe. They were at the hospital recovering. You looked to the side, seeing Todoroki sleeping next to you.

'That's right. Todoroki and Deku took me back to their hotel room to be with them until Kirishima and Bakugou recovered.' You thought. Todoroki sighed and opened his heterochromia eyes. One a dazzling turquoise blue and the other a dull gray. He hummed when he looked at you.

"Hmm. Good morning," He greeted. You nodded.

"G-Good morning." You stuttered, still unnerved from your nightmare. Todoroki's eyes drifted back and forth, staring you in the eyes.

"You look a little frightened. Did you have a nightmare last night?" He asked. You let out a shaky sigh and turned to look at the ceiling.

"Yes." You said simply. Todoroki looked down at the blankets.

"Hmm. I completely understand," he said, making you look at him. His eyes met yours once again. "You went through something pretty scary yesterday." He said. "You must feel pretty tense after everything that happened. Did you at least sleep well last night?" He asked. You turned your gaze up towards the ceiling again and shook your head.

"No. Not really. My sleep was plagued by nightmares." You said. Todoroki hummed.

"Hmm. I'm sorry to hear that. If I knew that you were having nightmares all night, I would have tried to stay awake with you," he said. You looked at him, shocked slightly. Todoroki gave you a small smile. "I know it helps not being alone when you're scared." He said. "We have today and tomorrow as roommates, so please, don't hesitate to wake me up if you have anymore nightmares." He said. You stared in shock at the boy beside you. You smiled.

"Thank you, Todoroki. It means a lot to me to hear that." You said. Todoroki hummed and nodded. The sheets in the bed next to yours rustled as Midoriya started to wake up. He yawned and stretched, sitting up to look at you and Todoroki.

"Morning you two," he said and frowned. "I heard you didn't sleep well last night. I'm sorry." He said. You shook your head.

"It's not your fault, Midoriya. You didn't give me the nightmares, so you have no reason to apologize." You said, sitting up and stretching, groaning as your limbs popped, getting used to being used after 24 hours of not being used. Midoriya nodded.

"Still. The villain attack must have shaken you up pretty bad. I just feel bad that I slept so well without knowing that you were suffering." He said. You smiled. Midoriya was such a caring individual, even to those who probably didn't deserve it. He tried to see the good in everyone. You frowned, thinking about your friends in the hospital. Midoriya tilted his head, looking at you. "Hey, are you feeling okay?" He asked. You sighed and nodded.

Stay By Our Side: Kirishima x Reader x Bakugou: Poly RelationshipWhere stories live. Discover now