𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 3 ☾

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After first period I had Pre calc with Willow. Then Ap history with Harper and May. Then lunch. It's only the first day and I already feel like quitting. I don't why I thought it would be a good idea to do AP classes. Like why do I do this to myself. I just end up crying and procrastinating about it.

Maybe after going to Harper's house I might finish the painting I've be working on for the past 5 months. God it's a lot but I'm almost done anyway.

Well off to Pre Calc I go. I head towards 2nd period and my thoughts drift to that rude white boy. I really don't know why he acted that way towards me. Like what the hell did I do? People like him are the reason I don't like talking to new people. They be thinking they the shit, like no one gives a fuck. Like I get confidence and stuff but when people view other people as less than them. That's where the problem starts especially in high school. We came here to learn, some people forget that. Which I understand I forget too.

I was lost in thought that I didn't realized I bumped into someone. As I passed them I looked back and it was a girl. She had black long hair and dark blue eyes and faint hints of freckles. Her eyes were swollen and puffy and some of her mascara had ran down. That's why you always put on waterproof mascara. You ain't never know when you gonna cry. She was still pretty tho.

"My bad, are you okay?" I asked.

"Watch where your going!" She snapped and started stomping away.

What is with these white people snapping at me today.

I look at her.

(This reminds me when amber said, "Johnny you hit me...you just hit me.")

"Girl, it was just an accident. Calm down." She turns around and looks me up and down and then rolls her eyes and she walks away.

Bitch needs calm down before someone smacks her. I turn around and ran into some dude running in the hallway shoves me to the wall.

"My bad!" He pants and continues to run.

"Yeah it is your bad." I snapped, but I don't think he hear me.

Why the hell is you running in the hallway in the first place. Why am I having such a hectic day. I continued walking to class and I ran into Willow in the hallway. Thank God cuz I needed to talk to someone.

Should I shout her name.

"Wil-", wait what am I doing. I'm in the middle of the hallway where other teenagers are, and I'm about to shout someone's name in the morning...and it's the first day...

So imma save us the embarrassment and keep my mouth shut.

Instead I decided to speed walk to her and tapped her shoulder. Her hair flipped towards me as her head followed. She raised her eyebrows and her eyes widened and a smile appeared on her face.

"Hi!" She said in a high pitched voice.

"Hey!" I returned as we began to walk together.

"How was is your first day going so far?" She asked as she nudge her elbow against my arm.


She looks at me with a confused and worried frown.
"Why? Did something happen?"

"It's too much to explain and if I explain it to you then I would have to explain to May and Harper. Even tho I'm pretty sure May noticed what happened in class..." I trailed off my sentence thinking about first period.

Did May see what happened? I don't think she did because I sit in the back and it's so embarrassing to turn around when you're in the front and she ain't the type to do that. I wonder-

I felt a waving hand motion in front of my face.

"June, you there?" Willow said as she waved her hands at my face. I snapped my head towards her and brought my attention to her.

"Yeah, why?"

"Cause I've been asking you what happened in class for the past 30 seconds."

" oh... that, I'll explain to you at lunch with everyone else."

"Okay, whatever works for...just as long as I get the tea." She traveled her fingers up the side of my arm.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"Come on fair maiden, shall we travel far yonda to geths to thy class?" Willow said in a British butler accent and presented her left hand to me.

"If we must then thy shallest go." I lifted my right hand and place on top of hers and walked to math.

"Arghhh I hate math!" Whined Willow as we both rose up from our seats and made our way towards the door.

"Me too."

"I can't believe she gave us homework, like we literally just started."

"I'm not that surprised, they always be giving us something to do. Even if it's those get to know you questions."

"Yeah but those I actually enjoy doing."

"Same." We left the classroom and began to head our separate ways.

Willow grabbed my left hand pulled me close to her. She let go of it and gave me air kisses. "Aurevoir  cherie." and then began to walk away. "Au revoir." I repeated and waved my hands.

I sometimes forget she's French. I wonder if I could go to France for spring break, but I heard it's dirty and the people are rude. Eh I got time to think, I reach for my back pocket and got out my schedule.

"What do we have next..?" I muttered, and we haveeee...history...yah! I actually do like history just not the talking notes on things that could have happened. Anyway I hope we don't have to do anything. Even though I'm positive we gonna do something.


"That was the longest introduction I have ever had." Harper said as we left history.

"For real like he went from talking about classroom rules to how his cat died for being overweight." May commented.

"His cat reminded my of Garfield, cuz he's cat was orange right?" I asked

"Yeah it was orange." May chuckled. "Oh and why did you and your partner not talk to each other?"

"Partner? Who?" Harper questions as she looks between May and me.

"Some annoying ass dude."

"What's his name?"

"Kai? I think, I'm not sure I don't remember rude people." That's a lie. It's hard to forget people that piss you off.

"KAI!?" They both said simultaneously as the snapped their necks at me.

Damn is he that important?

Sorry if it took so long I was just thinking how I wanted to write it. But hoped you like it.

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