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This is set at Episode 17, I changed the dialogue and some other stuff. This will branch off into a different AU than cannon :)

ALSO!: In Rainbow Quest, the leaders decided to rebuild the rainbow kingdom 8-9 months after Sabre disappears/leaves/dies???



The Crossroads was.. something. 

I'd never expected this. 

Hundreds, maybe even thousands, of portals were scattered around. The portal First Curse and I had just walked out of was separated from the rest. First Curse walked to a bridge connecting our portal to the clump of other portals. 

I knew what he was going to ask the moment he turned around. 

So, I quickly considered my options. 

"Come with me, Sabre, and we can reclaim everything you've lost!" First Curse's voice echoed in the Crossroads. In his eyes, I could see murderous intentions.

Was this truly what I was meant to do? Help him take over the multiverse? Surely, If he succeeds, I wouldn't last long. He doesn't seem like the type to enjoy the company of friends and companions. But, If I were to join him on his 'quest', I would be able to create a connection with him, right?

"You know what, FC? (First Curse) Sure. I'd love to." I replied, he smiled at my words he held out a hand for me to grab on. Sort of like shaking on it. Of course, I grabbed his hand and shook it, setting my promise in stone. 

He pulled his arm away after a short while, as did I. He walked passed portals and I followed. Each portal had a special scene captured in it. Every scene had a serene feel to it. I thought as I walked. It seemed he had heard me as he turned his head to face mine. 

"I know what your thinking about," He smiled, turning back around. He continued walking as he spoke, "It's true. Every other universe, every other Sabre, had a good ending. They were all happy." I looked down. I knew what he meant. All Sabres, except me, ended up happy and fulfilled. 

We stayed silent after that.

As we walked up to a portal containing a familiar scene, I almost gasped. We came to an abrupt stop as he, again, held his hand out to me. 

"Are you ready?" He asked, I wasn't. I defiantly wasn't ready. But, I needed to see what my life was like before all this twisted. I needed to know what my life was like when I was somewhat happy. When I felt somewhat fulfilled. 

"Of course I am," I reassured him, I could tell he knew I was lying, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was finding out the truth.

 He smiled as he walked in, not even making sure If I was following or not. Just another reminder of how much more power he holds. Then again, I helped him gain this power, right? 

I took a deep breath, looking up. All I could see were just more and more portals. Who knew how many there were? No matter. I slowly slipped one finger through the portal. Then another, and another, until my right hand was fully inside. I took another breath of air.

I walked in completely.

I looked around, FC was to the side, looking around as well. The scenery was beautiful, much like the Twisted realm, but more.. bright? There were birds, green trees, and most importantly, it smelled like home. 

In the distance, I could make out a kingdom. It all felt so familiar, I wasn't sure how to process it.


Being the Light Steve wasn't easy. It was never easy. But, god, I wish it were. Its been 3 years since Sabre "disappeared" , since he left for good. I tried searching for him and Time Steve for so long, but I always ended up empty handed. 

I felt so useless. All I had were the leaders to support me, but they weren't always the best people to lean on. Instead, my mini army of colorless guards sufficed. Though, the only tolerable Steve there was Happy Orange Steve. 

Honestly, I missed when our big bad villain was Dark Steve or Nightmare. Now, its some weird Steve called End Steve. And, I mean, he just looks dumb. And, what the hell is an 'end' supposed to mean anyway? 

But it doesn't matter. I just have to push through this meeting and get back to camp. 

"All in favor, aye" Blue Leader said. The Green, Indigo, Yellow, and Violet leader were fighting to get rid of Sabres and Rainbow Steve's grave. Instead, they wanted to move it to a different area. In the center of all the kingdoms. They wanted to make an even bigger grave to 'celebrate' our two saviors. Orange, M, and I disagreed on the matter. However, it was clear we had lost.

One by one, they raised their hands and said aye. Orange and M looked towards me. I sighed. The three of us hadn't yet agreed, and we didn't plan on it. 

M looked away, he raised his hand. I guess, he gave up? 

Well, that was that. We'd lost. I stormed out of the room, clearly wanting to be alone. Although, M followed me. I turned around to face him when we were out of earshot. 

"Are you kidding me, M?" I shouted. He flinched, looking down. He'd pulled his hood down a while ago, and he usually kept it down during meetings.

"Light, I don't get why your so upset about this. Its just a grave, moving its size and location won't change it's meani-"

"YES IT WILL!" I cut him off. He flinched again, looking away this time, I tried to be quieter. "M, Sabre would have wanted a small grave, so would Rainbow!"

"How do you know what Sabre would have wanted?"

"Oh- so this is what it's truly about, huh?" I asked him, he clenched his teeth.

"You didn't even trust him when Shadow had controlled him, infact, you left him!" He shouted. I held my first. 

"You left him as well! In fact, you left him when things were tough because you didn't want the stupid role as leader! Do you know how selfish that is?!" I glared at him. He rolled his eyes. 

Just before he was going to say something, I felt a large amount of energy far away from the kingdom. It seemed M had felt it too. Soon, we were both running out of the castle, careful not to slip. We didn't need communication to have a mutual understanding of who it was. \\




Comments are appreciated! <3

Happy Summer, everyone! And, if your not yet in Summer, SUCKERS!!

Anyways, drink water and stay safe!

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