Chapter Two - Selflessness Doesn't Always Lead To Happiness.

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I smiled at the sight of a peaceful, fresh kingdom. I knew the history of this world from the original Sabre. I  also knew what the original did not, that when he left, the individual kingdoms banded back together in his memory into one.

I seemed to have teleported in front of the kingdom doors, lighting following suit. A familiar red steve walked out to greet me. I knew him as this worlds 'M'. Apparently, he had become a leader of the red Steve's. To be honest, I was quite proud of his 'friend'.

"SABRE!?" The steve shouted, his voice rung annoyingly in my ears, to be frank, I wasn't used to M being loud, I mean, I was more used to him being silent. Unable to talk.

Whatever. I looked around me, realizing that the First Curse was no longer around me. I guess it's because he is considered a 'villain' here. Nonetheless, I smiled at the one I planned to kill. I couldn't have them finding out who I really was- not yet.

"Hello... M," I winced, remembering all those bad times and memories that single letter name came along with.

"Oh my god- Sabre..." another Steve walked out. He was entirely white- white clothing, pure white skin, white hair, everything. I didn't recognize this Steve- maybe he was a special Steve like Twisted Rainbow? Memories flooded back from the time the original was in this world.

Ah, Light Steve.
The "hero" of this world. I smiled at him as well.

"Hello, Light," I spoke softly, I wasn't sure what to say, as my personality was much too different from the original. I walked inside the castle walls, not wanting to talk to the two. My goal was clear- kill the leader/c then Light. Destroy this world and their stupid happy ending. Destroy the original's happy ending. Suddenly, I felt a sharp, numbing pain on the side of my head. I tried looking around to see who dared to try and harm me, but I blocked out before I could do anything.

When I awoke, I was in a chair.
No- nonono not this again- please- anything but this, please- I can't- I can't do this anymo-

No. I must numb this feeling. I must numb my fear. Fear is irrelevant. Fear is a weakness.

A Steve comes in with a set of armor, though they missed a head-piece. This allowed me to see their face- ah. It seems Light Steve has tied me to a chair. Maybe my performance was off?

Light Steve cleared his throat as he sat down on a chair across from mine, a wooden desk separating the two of us.

He closed his eyes for a second, as if rethinking his entire life.

When he opened them, I noticed a hint of orange in his eyes. I'm guessing this is because he was originally an orange steve, just like Rainbow Steve.

Well, I've decided I hate this guy already.

"Who are you?!" He asked- half yelling. I flinched slightly- again, not used to such a loud volume.

"I am Sabre. You know this," I stated, my tone neutral and monotonous.

He seemed almost surprised, but also annoyed.

"Oh really?" His face darkened, "the real Sabre is dead!" He shouted, it honestly looked like he wanted to cry. I mean, I don't blame him. After all, this must be traumatizing for him, right?

"Alright, believe what you want to believe, I guess." I summoned a series of lightning with all my strength, and used the energy to teleport myself out of there.


Sabre looked into the horizon, the sun setting into the earth. A mixture of red, orange, yellow, and just a dash of pink filled the sky in a beautiful scenery. Sabre exhaled a deep breath into the cold, freezing air. His left hand rested beside him, as his right stayed in the pocket of his green jacket.

A sound of rustling leaves broke him out of his trance. He looked behind him in slight confusion, eyes widening in surprise.

There stood a familiar figure- one with glowing purple eyes, one who wore a hood, one who was called the First Curse.

To be honest, Sabre had expected this happen. He knew everything as the creator, after all, but he thought that he would have more time before... *this*. 

Sabre summoned a sword from his inventory- he'd prepared it for this exact event. The sword cackled with energy- elements of the earth connecting with the weapon. A small symbol laid on the hilt of the sword- it resembled a circle; or more exactly, the Earth. A symbol was on the bottom of the hilt- one of a door.

The First Curse chuckled- which turned into a laugh. Sabre rolled his eyes in response, as he tightened his grip on the weapon.

This was going to be a long fight.

The First Curse jumped above- almost as if he were flying. He quickly jumped down- a sword made of purple-like energy hit the blade of Sabre's sword.

"Why are you still trying to save this pathetic world?" The First Curse laughed.

"Well-" Sabre knocked the First Curse back, "I'm just repaying the favor"
Sabre's iconic white blindfold fell off his face- revealing a beautiful, left eye with the iris of a golden color, and the right eye almost entirely white except for a tiny black iris in the shape of an eye.

The First Curse stepped back, remembering those eyes from somewhere else.
But it couldn't be. Right?

The First Curse clenched his teeth as he teleported away- he knew that he couldn't win this fight.

Sabre smiled before realization sunk in. If the first curse is back then...
No, it couldn't be, right?

There's no way another Sabre is in this realm.

Absolutely no way.

Sabre sighed as he came to the truth. His journey and his fight wasn't over yet.

After all, thing just got serious.


Hey guys! Sorry for not updating! My laptop recently broke and I've been having to use my phone to type, lol

Since there will be two Sabre's, (and more... hint hint) I'll be giving them nicknames!

Original Sabre: OG / Sabre
Twisted Rainbow Sabre: Twisted/Twi
Steve Saga: Sage
Walking Dead: Shooter
IRL Sabre: Elan/El/Tuber
Flash Sabre: Barrie

I'll mention any new Sabre's and their nicknames if or when they appear! :)

Have a great day/night!
Peace ✌️

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