Chapter Three - I've Got Murder On My Mind.

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I fell onto the grass, getting prickled by the sharp grass-blades. I got up silently and quickly- looking around. I wasn't used to this area- it looked like a forest almost, except there were no leaves. It's almost looked like faces were etched into the trunks. I heard a rustling noise behind me- I quickly turned around, holding the time sword in my hands.

A man, who looked eerily similar to me- stood there, silently. We looked the exact same- except he was missing a blindfold. I smiled, realizing who this was.

"Your not supposed to be here." The Original spoke in a monotone voice. I tilted my head, acting confused just to taunt him.

"Aww- how come?" I laughed. He clenched his teeth. I noticed he was holding a blade- I didn't recognize this particular weapon.

"Let the Steves be, Twisted. Tell the First Curse to go back to the hell he came from. Or else-" he teleported in front of me, as expected of the creator.

"Oh? And what if I don't?" I smiled, knowing the Original would never harm one of his own variants. I continued threatening him as he stood right in front of me, "what if I stab your precious Light- right through the heart?" I laughed, I knew he was going to break any moment now, "what if I destroy the entire kingdom?"

"You wouldn't." His eyes darkened.

"Don't underestimate me, you may be the original, but you are not the strongest, nor the smartest."

I stepped back, just as the first curse teleported beside me. The Original groaned in annoyance as the First Curse smiled. The Original scoffed, teleporting. He left. A short trail of lightning that showed the direction he was going in- it was obviously a sign for us to follow him, but I knew better.

The First Curse obviously thinks us Sabre's are all weak, pathetic little heroes that'll do anything the Steve's command of us. But that not true. The Original is clever- clever enough to set a trap for his enemies.

"I'll go after him." The First Curse said- obviously not realizing its a trap. I nodded in agreement.

"Good luck, my master." I turned my body to face him, I kneeled. If the First Curse gets killed- or worse, captured- then at least I can carry our legacy. I watched as he teleported away.

I teleported somewhere I thought I'd never go again.

The rainbow kingdom.

In truth, I never really left this world. After I created Origin, I found a way to come back here. Although- it seemed the Steve's were thriving under the leaders and Light's control. I was quite proud of them- and I wanted to wait to see how they would advance the kingdom.

Looking back, that was probably my biggest mistake.

I creeped through the hallways, trying to avoid being found. It seemed that Light and the Leaders took pretty much absolute control.

The citizens looked unhappy- some were even starving. I didn't want to point fingers yet- but it was quite obvious who's fault this was.

I ducked under a table as a guard passed me by- no wait. I recognize those footsteps.


"-and make sure to reinforce all defenses- I don't want this thing trying to impersonate Sabre getting in." Light spoke in a hurried voice as he speed-walked with another set of boots. I guess this was another color-less guard walking with him.

I waited until they left the hallway to crawl out of the table. I slowly walked behind Light and his soldier- making sure they couldn't see me.

"But sir- what if-" the colorless guard was cut-off by Light Steve

"Did I ask for your thoughts?" Light Steve turned his head towards the soldier, I could see his face as he was not wearing a head-piece. His eyes looked like they were glowing- which, knowing him, they probably were.

"No sir, sorry sir," the poor soldier looked down, as if apologizing.

Light looked back in front of him, walking away. The guard walked behind him. They continued their conversation as I followed quietly behind. Then, they walked to a corner- the guard nodded at something Light had said, I was too far away to hear.

The colorless guard stood by the corner. This was going to be troublesome.

When Light seemed far away enough- I jumped the guard, hitting his helmet with the hilt of my sword. This had effectively knocked the guard out. I smirked, satisfied with my work.

I put on the guards armor, memories came back in a *Flash*, I remember doing this before.

Nonetheless, I continued spying on Light. When he entered a room, I followed suit. I saw he was the only one in said room, and I swiftly closed- and locked- the door behind us. Light turned to me, his arms crossed on his chest. He looked annoyed.

Honestly, he probably knew I was here. After all, he is one of the more... intellectually advanced Steves.

No offense to Galaxy Steve.

I sighed, disappointed in myself.

"Alright, Sabre. What the hell?" Light rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed.

"Oh- uhm. Hey Light! Wait- how'd you know it was actually me?-" I asked, honestly confused. I mean- I was pretty good at sneaking, and I thought I was I  completely silent-

"Only the real Sabre would steal the armor of an elite colorless guard."


Well, anyway.

Ignoring that total embarrassment- I chuckled. I felt everything getting serious.

"So, Sabre." Light looked like he was about to cry- like he was holding in tears. Before he could say any more, I jumped to hug him.

You can call it a weakness- but I value my friend's feelings more than my life.

Even though the fate of the world was at stake, I held on for just a bit longer. He needed this and I needed this. We both needed each other.

When we finally parted, he sniffled, I could see silver tears running down his face. He cleared the tears before speaking and ending the silence.

"So... what brings you here?" He asked.

I responded.

"We should sit down first...

We have a lot to talk about."


This chapter was honestly a bit boring- to read and write, but it's needed for the next chapter, which I promise will be filled with excitement! :)

Again, RQ Sabre is called the Original, just incase you forgot or you were confused!

That's all for today!

Peace ✌️

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