Chapter Four - Cross My Heart, Promise

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"We have a lot to talk about." I said to Light. He nodded in agreement and understanding as he led me into a room. I recognized this as the old meeting area, my heart ached being in here again. I hated this room as it brought me too many memories of the past. Of the mistakes I made. I looked around the spacious room. There were the same amount of chairs, one for every color plus white, however, this time, there was a podium in the middle. I assumed this was for either me or Time, as nobody else would be worthy of being here.

"Sabre. What really happened that day you sacrificed yourself?"

"Light... I wish I could tell you, but... I can't. We don't have enough time."

"Sabre..." Light's voice grew soft, "why have you come back? Whats wrong?"

"You remember the first curse?"

"Yes... I don't think I could ever forget that man, why?"

"He's back."

Light's eyes grew wide as he looked at me, afraid, as if begging for me to tell him it was a joke. I knew we were both afraid of the First Curse. Or rather, we were afraid of the loop. Of everything repeating.

"How are we going to stop him?"

"I... I don't know, oh my Origin I don't know anything. I— I came to you to ask for help but- gods, why did I come to you? I didn't want to do this— I didn't want external help but— but I can't do this alone anymore." I hesitated speaking, I felt tears building up in my eyes, but I couldn't let them pour. I could break apart the moment I needed to piece everyone else back together.

"Sabre..." Light spoke, I looked into his eyes, "Sabre— that isn't the whole story, is it?" He asked, thought we both knew the answer.

"When the loop restarted- hundreds of alternate universes were created, and Light... one of them— one of the most powerful beings I've ever faced, a alternate version of me, is helping the First Curse, and I don't think we can defeat him. I don't think I can."

Light and I stayed silent. Neither of us wanted to break the silence.

Finally, Light spoke, "it's alright, Sabre. We'll fix this, just like we always do." Light reassured me as I smiled softly.

I'd like to think we really could pull this off— that my luck hadn't disappeared yet, but I knew. I knew this was it. I knew Twisted was unstoppable.

Just then, I heard lighting outside. I checked out the tinted windows, my heart fell.

A figure was standing on one of the walls protecting the kingdom.

The First Curse.


I'm gonna make chapters shorter so I can post more+have more motivation :') I haven't updated in a long time due to some issues IRL

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