Chemistry and Love are two different things.

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Lykke spent the whole night researching Brad Mackey, and hacking into his private networks and his school files. She knows his whole life by heart, well, not really, just his interests and past grades and all. He is a huge chemistry fan (bonus for her), he has B's in every subject except chem which is A+, and Physics which is a D-.  Lykke has explained the new challenge to Lucy, and persuaded her to let her skip this chemistry lunch session. As lunch begins, Lykke slowly follows Brad as he walks toward the field. She watches him, until his friends disappear to grab lunch, leaving Brad alone, and giving Lykke her opportunity. She runs up to Brad, and then taps on his shoulder. Stupid Lykke, tapping on his shoulder. Ugh! What are they, 1st graders, thinks Lykke. Brad turns around, gives her one of those adorable boy smiles that he gives to every girl, and says, 

" Hey." 

" Hey....Brad. That's your name, right?" Lykke asks, pretending as if she didn't spend the whole night cyber-stalking him. For a geeky science nerd, Lykke is very confident, and pretty good at talking to guys too. 

" Yep...Brads the name," Brad chuckles. 

" Lovely. Well, I'm Lykke Jessen, founder and head of the chemistry club. I heard you were into chemistry so I thought you'd want to join, maybe," Lykke says quickly. 

" Cool. I'm in...but how did you know I'm a chem fan?" Brad asks warily. 

Lykkes cheeks turn red as a tomato, and she stutters, 

" Ummm...well....your friend..the guy with the hair, um, he, well I was walking towards the..." Lyke stops dead, because Brad, and every other person on the field, turns to look at a red headed girl; Alice. Usually, no one pays attention to Alice, in fact, if they could, they would just walk through her. She's a ghost. She's unnoticeable because she always wears her red hair in a tight braid, and she is always wearing dull colors. But today, her wavy red hair is spread around her shoulders, and she is wearing a light blue swing dress with black flats. And......she's wearing makeup!? Eyeliner and eyeshadow. A crowd gathers, and slowly they form a pathway that Alice walks through,  towards Lykke and Brad. 

" Hi," Alice says lustily, a very slight blush in her cheeks. 

" H-h-h-hi," Brad mumbles. She made an 11th grader speechless. 

Alice smiles sheepishly, which completely ruins her sexy look. 

" Walk?" Alice asks softly, raising her eyebrows. 

" Sure," Brad replies happily, taking hold of her hand. They start taking steps, and Lykke calls out desperately, 

" Don't forget! Chemistry club on Tuesday!" 

He must've not heard her because he doesnt turn around or reply. So, Lykke trudges back up the hill, and to the chemistry lab feeling deflated. 

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