Alice Ohs hasn't read about the dragon

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Back in the cafeteria, Alice Ohs is finishing off her bowl of soup with her older sister, Agnes Ohs. The Ohs sisters are very odd sisters. Everyday, they come to school dressed in the same clothes, their dark red hair tied into tight braids, they choose the same lunches, and sit on the same lunch bench, on opposite sides, reading the same book. The only difference between them is that Agnes is in 11th grade, and Alice is in 7th grade. But, Alice has a secret, and it is the only thing her sister does not know about her. She is in the Topaz challenge. When Agnes was in middle school, she was also chosen for the Topaz challenge, and she finished with the least points. Since then, she has been an outcast and forced to eat lunch with her younger sister. Alice, is also in last place so far, however, she is not as emotional as Agnes, and is only doing it because her life is pretty pathetic. 

“ Have you gotten to the part where they slay the dragon,” Agnes asks in her mysterious yet soothing voice. 

“ No, sister,” Alice replies, non-chalantly. 

“ It’s a very foul chapter, I skipped most of it,” Says Agnes, her eyes skimming over the pages of her book. 

There is a ringing, and Alice pulls out her small, black Nokia. Her parents allow her to have an iPhone and other technologies but her sister made her go for the simpler life and choose a Nokia. She reads over the text message, 

New challenge. 

Greenhouse now. 


“Who is it from?” asks Agnes, craning her neck, although she knows she cannot read it from the other side of the bench. 

“ Somebody. I must go now. I will see you after school,” Alice says slowly, standing up from the bench. 

“ But you have not finished the book yet,” Agnes whimpers. 

“ At home,” Alice says calmly, smoothing out her thick, puke yellow, maxi skirt. 

“Bye,” whispers Agnes. 

“ Goodbye,” whispers back Alice. 

Alice picks up her plain black shoulder schoolbag and starts walking towards the greenhouse. 

The Topaz Challenge: Hottie on CampusWhere stories live. Discover now