Lykke Jessen studies tears

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“ I’m telling you Lucia, prolactin is a chemical involved in the creation in of tears,” argues Lykke Jessen. 

“ No way! That doesn’t make any sense! Are you aware that Prolactin is a luteotropic hormone that enables female mammals to produce milk, “ protests Lucia. 

“ Yes, but it is also involved in a grand amount of functions with more than 300 separate actions of PRL having been reported different vertebrates,” states Lykke. 

This is how Lykke and Lucia, best friends for life, spend all their lunch breaks. They have a small snack outside the science block, then enter the chemistry lab which they have been given special permission to do, and they start arguing about all the chemical formulas and chemical reactions, and actually start designing experiments. It’s their dream to become top chemists when they are older and invent something terrific. Lykke even permed her light brown hair so she has that crazy chemist look. RING-RING-RING-RING, Lykke checks her Samsung phone, and starts to read her new message from Alana. 

New challenge. 

Greenhouse now. 


The only reason Lykke is in this stupid challenge, is because, 

a. She was test growing a new plant she and Lucia had made at the park, and Alana threatened to tell the cops unless she joined the challenge. 

b. If she wins the spot as queen bee, she will have the influence to turn the school into a more environmentally friendly school, and increase the members in her chemistry club. 

c. It’s sorta fun. 

“Its another challenge. I have to go,” Lykke says apologetically. Unlike the other girls, Lykke can trust her friend. 

“ Ok. Tell me what it is when you get back,” screams Lucy to Lykke who has already left the room. 

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