Calm Before The Storm #2

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                                   Requilla POV

I woke up, looking around, trying to remember what happened when I felt a dull pain in my head, and I groan. "You're awake." I look towards the voice and saw Jadeen getting up off the couch and walking towards me.

"How are you feeling? he cups my face in his hands, staring into my face as my cheeks heat up. "What happened? I ask, holding his hands.

"You fainted", he stated with a look of concern, and that was when everything came rushing back to me, and I stiffened.

"What happened Requilla? he pulls me on his lap. I turned into his chest and let the tears finally flow. I thought I covered my tracks correctly. I traveled so far. How did he find me? I cried until I couldn't anymore. I was soaking his shirt, but he didn't seem to mind, instead, he kisses my forehead and hug me tightly.

I calm down after a while, but I didn't move from his arms.  "I'm sorry I wet your shirt", he kissed my cheek.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong? I shake my head. I wasn't ready to let him know as yet. I was still trying to wrap my head around it.

"Okay I understand, but you're moving in with me", he said in a final tone, and I just nodded my head, too drained to argue. Plus I was really scared to be alone right now

We sat there for a few minutes with him, caressing me until he got up to make some calls and called my Yas to stay with me. As he stands there on the phone, I took my time to admire him. He was wearing a white T-shirt that was tight enough to show how muscular he was underneath and a grey pants that show his print a little. I got wet just thinking about him inside of me. I can't believe that I'm having these thoughts right now. I look away, blushing as Yas walks into the room and hugs me.

"Okay, I'm going to leave now, little one, but I will be back for you tomorrow", he kisses my forehead and left.

"What happened? Yas turns to me, and I let out a faint sigh before scooting over in the bed to allow her to lay beside me. I then proceed to tell her what happened about the messages and the phone call.

She pulled me closer, glaring off into space, "Did you tell Jadeen? "no, but I will tell him, just not yet," I mumbled.

"What if he gets to me and hurts my baby again Yas. How did he find me? what is he going to do if he gets to me? I can't go through that pain again, especially with a baby on the way. What if he hurt Jadeen? All these thoughts keep going through my head, causing my breathing to speed up.

"Okay, calm down. I am here to protect you, and I won't let anyone hurt you or the baby. You also have Jadeen, who I know will never let anything happen to you or the baby".

I nodded my head, a little unsure but I felt better knowing that I have Yas and maybe Jadeen to protect my me and my baby; with that said, I hugged Yas before going back to sleep.

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