The Plan #2

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It has been a month since the plan was set in motion and we haven't received any evidence that Alisha was involved. She's either skilled at hiding, or Requilla really had betrayed me. I ignore the latter and focus on Alisha being good at hiding evidence of her involvement, because I know Requilla would never hurt me or the baby.

I was sitting in my office drinking, that's all I seem to be doing lately, when Ty, Chris and Rodney barged into the room. I kept drinking seeing as I lacked the strength to pay them any attention.

"You look like shit", Rodney commented and I nodded my head agreeing. I look and felt like shit. I can't recall doing anything from trying to find Requilla and drinking until I pass out.

It was getting hard not to sink into depression. It's been a whole fucking month, without a word. Alisha was becoming a nuisance and I don't know how long I can keep up this façade. Every time she touch me, I be wanting to wring her neck.

Requilla was nearing her due date and I'm worried that I won't find her in time or at all. These have been troubling thoughts in the back of my mind, and the anxiety of failing her once more was increasing.

However, despite my best efforts of trying to keep myself together, I can't help but feel like I'm losing her—better yet, myself as days go by.

"We got something", Ty moves closer and I paused mid drink, finally moving my attention to them.

"Alisha has recently been texting a particular number, but she always deletes the messages as quickly as she sends or receives them. I was able to retrieve the entire conversation." He placed a folder on my desk.

He points to one of the messages that appears to be an advertisement and explains, "The reason why it took so long to pop up in our data base is because the message look like those spam messages. So I had overlook them. Until I realize the way the sentence were construct didn't make sense. So, I run it into our system and well this is the result of what few of them actually means, he pointed to the paper. I followed his movement

"How is it going with that idiot?"

"Hurry the fuck up, time is wasting and I need to disappear with Requilla"

"We can make the exchange on Friday, I'll send you the location". I was a bit impressed. Pissed but nevertheless impressed.

"Yeah, we underestimate both of them. They're actually smart." Chris spoke up.

I nodded agreeing.

"She will be meeting Zaric Friday at 10pm at an abandon warehouse in the woods up by Deserted Lake. Today is now Monday, so that leave us we a good amount of days to come up with a good plan", I nodded allowing my mind to think of all the different strategies we can use into rescuing my baby and killing whoever is involve.

I got up and adjusted my clothes "gather our most trusted gaurds, and send two at the location today to scout the area and the warehouse. We underestimated them the first time, and I won't make the same mistake twice. We'll set things up tomorrow at 8:00 a.m "I responded dismissively, and they nodded their heads before leaving.

I frown as I stare at myself in the mirror. My dreads were a tangled mess, and my beard had grown out too much. I could see  bags under my eyes, due from exhaustion and stress. I really need to take care of myself. Requilla wouldn't be too happy if I allow myself to become like this. I'm coming for you soon baby.

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