I'm Sorry

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Requilla POV

I felt sick to my stomach, as I watch the guy I love, crumble in front of me. I felt the pain spread throughout my chest, as I was how my words affected him. I desperately want to tell him the truth, but the pressure of the knife on my stomach prevents me. I continued in agony and broke him even more. The only man who has ever meant anything to me.

As the call ended, I quickly push away from Zaric, furiously wiping my lips trying not to throw up. My chest felt tight and I couldn't breathe.

"Well done," Zaric taunt before exiting the room.

I broke down in tears. I cried for Jadeen, for my baby and for myself. I cried until I couldn't cry any more, my eyes, head and face hurts. I know my eyes would be swollen. Every time I tried to close my eyes the scene keep flashing in my head of how broken he looked.

I still can't believe they made me do that.

(A few hours before the call)

It's has been two week since I saw Alisha, and I can't believe that she would stoop so low to get back with someone that doesn't want nothing to do with her.

I still couldn't wrap my head around they being lovers and that she knew about me long before I knew about her. It's really a fucking small world.

They had move me out of the basement and into a cleaner room. The wound that I was sporting had heal and I was no longer in pain, but with the baby nearing its due date, that pain was unbearable, so I can't do much moving if I wanted to, luckily I wasn't strapped down anymore.

Zaric nor Alisha hadn't said anything to me as yet, but I know that will change soon.

I was brought out of my thoughts when they both walk into the room. Think about the devil and the devil shall appears.

"Good morning slut and psycho", I acknowledge them both sweetly. Zaric sneered as Alisha roll her eyes. "Shut the fuck", she snapped and I raise my eyebrows, surprise. "What got your panty in a twist this morning?"

She rolls her eyes. "This is how it's going to go." I turnt away, completely blocking out her voice. "Going to call Jadeen", I snap my head to her.

"You're going to make up something about not wanting to be with him anymore and that he should be with me. Tell him that you ran off with Zaric and he should stop looking for you. I don't care what you want to say, just make sure it sounds convincing enough"

I look at them as if they had lost their mind and burst out laughing. Jadeen will never believe that.

"You're both stupid if you think Jadeen will believe that", I stated trying to contain my laughter. Alisha kiss her teeth before walking out of the room as Zaric lunge at me, gripping my neck, squeezing to the point it felt like I was going to pass out.

"You're going to do what you're told to do or I'm going to beat you so bad you regret ever living", he growled, taking out a knife.

"See I have been patient with you, trying to ease you into staying here but I'm getting fed up of this smart mouth you seem to pick up over the years", he stabs me in my leg with the knife as I scream. I felt my eyes water as he turns it. It hurt so bad.

"Fuck you", I spit through gritted teeth. "Oh, believe me love, I will", he plunge the knife into my other thigh.

"The next time you disrespect me, it's going to be your baby, he run the knife along my stomach and that had me shutting up.

"Okay, okay, please don't hurt my baby", I pleaded trying to move away from him. He smiles and kiss my forehead as I grimace. "See was that hard?", he peered down at me and I bite down on my lip trying not to make any snide comments that would have him fulfilling his plan on hurting my baby.

He moves away from me as he went to set up the video call. I look down at my legs to see blood oozing out of both of them and I rub my stomach. I look up as the door open and Alisha walks back into the room with a bag in her hand. "Make up time. Can't have you looking so ugly" I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything. She proceed into doing my makeup, and I knew this bitch was rubbing into my cuts and bruise on purpose because every time I hiss, she would smirk. But I held back and kept my mouth shut.

"All done", she move away. "You actually look pretty for once in your life." I rolled my eyes. I'm surprise my eyes aren't stuck as yet, with the amount of time they cause me to do it.

Zaric lifts me onto his lap,"If you move or say anything that would be alarming, I won't hesitate on stabbing you in your stomach", he whispered in my ear, placing the knife under my shirt on my stomach.

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