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Hello Bitch," Alisha smirked.

I look at her, then at Zaric, then back at her. I was baffled. What the fuck.

"A weh the Rhass ya do ya su?"

"What the fuck are you doing here?", she laughed. "Isn't it obvious? They both smirked down at me, "I want Jadeen, and Zaric here wants you back."

"Both of us are willing to do whatever it takes to keep you two apart. It's incredible how the two of you ended up together when Zaric and I use to be lovers, still is, but that's not important."

The air was knocked out of my lungs. "What?" I shriek. I think I may have misheard her.

"Lovers," she repeats, rolling her eyes. I kept quiet allowing her to continue. This shit keeps getting weird and weirder.

"Zaric bring me a chair, I think we're going to be here for a while", Alisha said, look down at her nails like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

Zaric nodded before exiting the room. We sat in silence for a while but before it could turn awkward, Zaric was back with two chairs, handing one to Alisha as he got seated.

"Okay, so where was I? Ahh yes. I was having an affair with Zaric, while I was with Jadeen, and I became pregnant. I knew Zaric was the father, but I gave it to Jadeen instead. Why? Because he had more money and he was deeply in-love with me. So in love that I had him wrapped around my fingers." She chuckled.

"You may be wondering, why cheat when I had such a good man. Well I wanted more. Jadeen was just starting out in the business world and didn't have much connections to help me achieve my fame, while Zaric here did." She turn to him rubbing down his leg and I grimace.

"But with my career just taken off. I wasn't ready for a kid, so I aborted it and made it seems like I was still pregnant. And kept on fucking Zaric." I turned my head away from them, done with this conversation. They were selfish and sick. I wanted nothing more than to wring their necks.

"I knew about you." I turn back to her, eyebrow raise, waiting for her to elaborate.

"I knew about the way Zaric mistreated you. I even provided him with some ideas." This bitch was deranged, I concluded.

"I also knew when you were pregnant," she adds evilly.

"I was the one who ordered him to terminate it."

I froze, my heartbeat quickened. I could feel it in my ears. I couldn't even speak, as I look to Zaric for confirmation, and he nods menacingly while smirking. How could they be so cruel, so inhumane. They were both unstable.

"I was the one who instructed him to have the pregnancy terminated if you were to ever get pregnant. Seeing that I wasn't able to be pregnant, you couldn't be either."

I looked at them. Wondering what I might have done to receive this type of treatment. I look at Zaric; I only ever wanted to be loved. I turn my attention back to Alisha; I didn't know about her until I got with Jadeen. So what could I have done to her for her to hate me like this. To the point where she had my baby killed. She was the one that fucked up the chance of me holding my baby. To touch and love my baby. They were the reason for my miscarriage.

"I wasn't allowed?!!" I yelled. Anger surging through my veins.

"I wasn't fucking allowed? Who the fuck are you to tell me what I can and cannot do? You killed my fucking baby. You filthy, conniving bitch. Wait until I get my hands on you. I'm going to drag you across this fucking floor. You're sick. You both are sick." I struggle against the ropes, trying to free myself.

"After everything you've done to Jadeen, do you really believe he'll ever love you again? Especially after he learns you are responsible for this? You're good as dead." I was breathing heavily. I wanted to hurt them so bad. It was like the anger was going to make me explode.

Alisha stared at me for a moment before smiling. She look just as crazy as Zaric. "He will love me, he still love me and he will never find out about this or find you again." She got up and left, and soon follows Zaric.

I sat in the dark, as my mind replay what she said. I felt the first tear flow down my face, and then another and then another, soon I was crying my eyes out. I cried for my miscarriage. For never getting to hold my baby. I cried for my new pregnancy afraid that I won't be able to save him/her. I cried for Jadeen, hoping he will come save me soon and finally I cried for myself. I cried for the childhood I never had. The pain I went through looking for love in the wrong place. I just cried until my tears ran out.

I knew they were planning something and to say that I was scared was an understatement. I was fucking terrified.

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