Dangerous Game

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Requilla POV

I didn't know I'd fallen asleep until I was jolted awake by water being thrown on me.

"Wakey Wakey, my love", Zaric hissed. I didn't say anything as I sat there looking at him. His hair was now short and he had became sickly thin. His eyes were bloodshot and wild, and his jaws were sunken in.

His nose was still broken, and he had a severe bruise on the left side of his face. I smirked a little, feeling proud of what I did. I shift my gaze from him and peered around the room. We seem to be in a basement of some sort. There was only one door that led to the exit and no windows. My wrists and feet were bound to the chair where I sat in the center of the room.

"Good fi see say you finally wake and ready fi remember uh place"

"Good to see that you're finally awake and ready to remember your place". I glance back at Zaric.

"But before I do" he moves closer to me, "I'm going to beat this baby out of you, like I did the last time", he chuckled, his eyes filled with malice. I felt fear clawing at my stomach. I tried to move away from him as best as I could, but being tied down; there wasn't much moving I could do.

"How uh fi give weh my pussy and make the man breed uh?"

"How dare you went ahead and gave another man my pussy and let him impregnate you?", he gripped my face painfully.

"But don't worry, after this demon is gone", he pointed to my stomach, "we will live happily ever after, away from everyone, where it's just you and me, my love", a smile stretches across his face that had my blood running cold. I could see the madness dancing in his eyes.

"This is for your own good," before I could understand what he meant. My head was snap to the side as I felt an excruciating pain spread across my face. He punched me.

"This for leaving me". He raises his hand once more and slam it into my face and I screamed. I could feel the metallic taste of blood in my mouth.

"This for letting another man touch what's mine".

I look up at him and spit in his face. "Suck uh madda"

"Suck your mother" I hissed. He paused, his eye widen.

"Uh just hurt say me neva want nothing fi do with you. Me neva want you. Uh just a disgusting waste of space."

"You're just hurt that I didn't want nothing to do with you. I never wanted you. You're nothing but a disgusting waste of space". Zaric face morph into the meanest look I've ever seen but I didn't care.

"You're just jealous that I allow him to touch me and I enjoy it. The way he would fill me up and have me begging for more. The way I would suck off his dick like it was my favorite candy. They way how I would cry out for pleasure instead of pain when I was with you", I continued, with a smug look.

"You're nothing but a weak, child throwing a tantrum when they can't get what they want." I finished.

Zaric growled before grabbing my neck and brought my face close to him trying to intimidate me, but I wasn't scared, fuck that. I know I was playing a dangerous game but I didn't give one fuck.

"You're dead", he snarled. But I knew he was lying. He would never kill me, why?? Because he needs me and in a sick way, I know he will never kill me.

"The only ting dead a uh hood"

"The only thing that is dead, it's your dick", I retaliate.

"You bitch", he cocks his arm back and slap me, my head snapping to the side once again. This was getting old.

"You hit like the bitch you are", I chuckle, my eyes felt swollen.

I won't allow him to make me feel like the scared little girl I was when I was with him. If I can't get to him physically, I will get to him mentally.

"I never love you. Who could ever love someone so ugly and unworthy of love. You're sick". He back away from me not saying a word and I felt a little relief.

My face was swollen, blood was oozing from both my nose and mouth, and I felt drain. I know I would pass out soon. But I wanted to hurt him.

But before I could utter the next few words, to have him crumbled, the door was swung open and in walk the last person I could ever think of.

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