The Time Is Near

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Requilla POV


"Fuck", I groan. These contractions were getting more painful as the days goes by. I inhaled deeply in an effort to dull the pain, but it just seems to be intensifying. "Me nu know why me go trouble hood eno"

"I don't know why I went a head and take up what I can't manage"

The pain eventually subsides after a few minutes of breathing in and out. I could feel the tears prickle at the edge of my eyes. I was getting tired of living like this. I wanted to be free. I wish I could just get up and escape but with my stomach, I'm afraid that Zaric will following through on his promise on hurting my baby.

I was slowing losing hope. Why is Jadeen taking so long? Did he gave up on looking for me? Did he stop loving me? I swallowed as my depressing thought consume my mind. Is this the way I'm going to live forever? Afraid? I shook my head in an effort to dismiss these thought. I need to have faith in him. He won't leave me like this. He will come for me. Jadeen will save me.

Jadeen is the only man that showed me, it's okay let my guard down. The only man that went out of his way to make sure that I was happy. The only man I've ever truly love. He will save me.

I broke down into a sobbing mess. I'm tired of crying but it's seem like it's the only thing I can do.

My chest felt tight and my throat felt clogged. I rub my stomach as I reminisce on how we met. I felt a slight smile take over my face as I remember the day I told him I was pregnant. His reaction will forever be priceless. I felt tears slid down my cheek as I remember all the happy memories we made.

I don't know how long I lay crying but the next thing I know, the door slam open and in walk Zaric and that man, and I stiffen.

"We are moving", he declared pulling me up roughly off the bed. "Wh- why?" I stuttered, confused. He looks at me as a grin spread across his face and I shrink back.

"Well, honey", I grimaced "we're finally running away to be together. Alisha finally has that sucker wrap around her fingers like the pussy he is, now it's our turn to have our happily ever after". I felt my heart crack. Jadeen gave up looking for me. No that can't be true. That can't be truth, right? I felt the tears rush down my face once again.

"Oh, don't cry love, I will take care of you and I will even forgive you for giving away my vagina", he patted my head, chuckling.

I stare up at him while feeling a great deal of rage running through me. I cock back my fist and slam it into his nose I knew he was going to knock me the fuck out, but I felt satisfied as I saw blood rushing from his nose and he staggered back a little. Before he could react, I lifted my foot and kicked him in the dick as hard as I could while grinning as he screamed in pain before falling to the ground. Before I could flee, I felt a pressure in my neck and I was overcome by darkness

I woke up with a groan, rubbing my neck to subdue the pain. I try to move my legs but came to realize that it was restrained. Where am I? I kept quiet as I allow my eyes to wonder around the room. I was in a sitting in the middle of what seems to be warehouse. I saw a shadow move across one of the top windows but when I turn my attention towards it. There wasn't anything there. Weird I thought.

I heard shuffling on my left which made me turn my head in that direction. Alisha, Zaric, and that man enter through the entrance along with some other armed men. "What's going on?" I spoke up. They all came to stand in front of me and I held my breath in anticipation of what they might say or do.

Alisha handed Zaric a bag of cash and stated, "This is the remaining half I owe you. All that's left for you to do is to fulfill your end of the deal by going missing and staying gone forever"

"What the fuck is going on?", I spoke up once again, firmly. They all snap their eyes to me before Alisha answered, "well you see dear", she taunts. "It's time for you to get out of Jadeen life's and go back to the swamp where you belong", she smiled down at me. I wish I could smash her teeth in. Just one hit.

"Jadeen is finally wrapped around my fingers. I even got in convinced that the child is not his. That, you were pregnant before you two even met," she said with an ugly grin as she gazed down at me.

I was dumbfounded as I sat there in disbelief. She took my silence as permission to proceed.

"He isn't searching for you anymore. He finally made up his mind to get back with me. In fact, after I leave, I will be moving my belongings back into his house," She beams.

This can't be real. Jadeen hasn't really stop looking for me right? He can't believe that I was pregnant before I met him right? A lot of questions were running through my head but there were no answer.

"Jadeen won't allow this", I swallow the lump forming in my throat. They all laugh and I felt the tears welled up in my eyes.

"Your right princess, I won't fucking allow it", the place became deadly silent as everyone turn their head to where the voice came from and standing at the entrance of the warehouse in all his glory was no other than my baby daddy; Jadeen.

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