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"What's little space?!" The 5 boys shouted. Namjoon put his finger on his lips motioning them to quiet down.

"Hyung what's little space?" Jimin asked.

Namjoon explained to them what little space was. Namjoon has a cousin that also has little space, so he already knows what to do. The 5 boys got it......Kinda. Right now Yoongi was giggling at the TV show, all of them found it really adorable.

"So what to we do now hyung? Jungkook already has the powder." Tae spoke.

"Leave everything we planned behind, we have to focus on Yoongi first."

The 6 boys went towards the small boy, who was cuddling with the small dog. Namjoon kneeled on the ground and held Yoongis hand.

"Hi Yoonie!" Namjoon smiled.

"Hi Joonie! Look Yoonie watching Kailan!"

Namjoon laughed. "How old are you Yoonie?"

"Umm Yoonie three!" Yoongi showed up 5 fingers instead. Yoongi stomach then started to growl,and he started to cry."

"Oh no! Why are u crying Yoonie?" Hobi asked the smaller.

Yoongi sniffled. "There's monster in Yoonie's tummy!"

"Oh, there's no monster in their. You're just hungry." Jin said.

"Ok! Yoonie have food?!"

"Yes you can." Namjoon smiled at the boy.

Namjoon stood up and Yoongi lifted his arms up. Namjoon cooed at the boy, he wants to be carried. The taller picked up Yoongi and Yoongi started to giggle. Yoongi then looked at Namjoon and pecked his lips. Namjoon was shocked.

"Yoonie why did you do that?"

"Well, mommy does that all time when Yoonie is happy! Joonie happy so Yoonie kiss you!"

The 5 other boys looked at the two. All of them felt something........... Jealousy.

"Let's eat the food Jin Hyung made ok."

"Okiii" Yoongi smiled, and started munching on the Teokkbokki, Namjoon fed him.

It was now 10:00 at night, yoongi fell asleep on the couch. The 6 boys quietly went up to their rooms, leaving Yoongi all alone in the living room.

3:30 a.m.

Yoongi was crying, crying and screaming. Taehyung was the first to wake up. He rushed downstairs. Yoongi was tossing and turning.

"YOONGI WAKE UP WAKE UP" Taehyung kept chanting. Yoongi gasped and sat up. He kept on looking everywhere.

Yoongi teared up. "Tae tae. Yoonie had bad dream, an really scared. wan sleep with you please tae tae." Yoongi spoke still sniffling from what happened just second ago.

"Ohh ok. You can sleep with me." tae grabbed Yoongi's hand. Yoongi didn't move. Taehyung looked back and saw that he wanted to be carried. Tae smiled and lifted him up. Tae went up to his bedroom. He layed Yoongi on the bed tucking the blankets so he could stay comfy. He then heard Yoongi's phone ringing. Tae picked it up and answered. "Hello?"

"Hello Yoongi baby it's me mommy are you there?!"

"Hi Mrs. Min it's me Taehyung. Yoongi's friend."

"Oh my god thank goodness he's alright." what's he doing right now.

"He's sleeping right now. He just had a bad dream so I calmed him down a bit."

"Thank-you Taehyung! I was so worried about him, he wasn't picking up my calls of texts."

Taehyung chuckled."no problem Mrs. Min just doing my job as a friend. Do you mind if i take him home tomorrow?"

"Sure, thank you again for taking care of him. I really appreciate it."

Taehyung laughed. They said their goodbyes and ended the call. He looked at the boy and smiled. He carresed the youngers head.

It was now morning. Yoongi finally awoke from his slumber. He went downstairs to be greeted by all the 6 guys.

"Morning" Yoongi said as he rubbed his eyes cutely.

"Morning" the 6 of them said In usion

"Come on let's eat breakfast we're having pancakes!" Jin smiled

Yoongi loved pancakes especially with strawberries. Yoongi got his pancakes. He ate them enjoyingly.

It was about 10:00 and all of them were taking him home.

Jungkook was driving Taehyung in the passenger seat. While the others were in the back.

"So Yoongi, an hobbies you do?" Jimin asked

"Uhmmmmm. I really enjoy music, my mother plays many instruments, she writes songs as well, she's been teaching me since the second grade. That's how I got into music. Other than that I like sleeping"

Jimin laughed.

They finally made it at the house. Yoongi got of and waved at them. The others waved back.

"Mama I'm home!"

"Yoongi you're back!"

"Sorry I didn't tell you, I fell asleep at their house. "

"It's okay, as long as your safe"

Yoongi smiled as his mother hugged him.

Meanwhile with the others

"Why was Yoongi sleeping with you Tae?"

"He had a bad dream that's all" Tae mumbled

"You sure? It seems like you did something else" Jungkook said

"Whatever, think what you wanna think about" Tae shot back.

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