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Yoongi and Chan shot there heads up.

"What's wrong?" Chan asked

"My exam test for Math is Low! Like how?! I literally studied the whole night just for it!"

Yoongi giggled. "Maybe you should've asked Chan to help you!"

Chan choked on his food. "What why?"

Yoongi laughed. Obviously the two were made for each other. Yoongi thought.

"Chan you're good in Math, obviously."

"Huh, you're right I'm pretty good in Math aren't I." Chan said proudly.

Felix rolled his eyes. "Pssh, as If I'm going to work on Math with him."

"What? Don't like me?" Chan teased the boy.

"No,I do like yo- I mean! Yes! I do like yo- No! I mean I don't like you at all!" Felix turned red.

"What why not?" Chan asked.

"You're to immature! And you also tease me all the time!" Felix yelled.

Everyone in the cafeteria looked back and stared at the trio.

Yoongi hid his head in his jacket while the other two put there head down.

Then It all went back to normal.

"What the hell Felix!" Yoongi whined.

"Sorry." Felix said giggling after.

Chan sat quiet.

Felix looked at him. "Channie you okay?"

Chan smiled. "Yeah I'm good why?"

"O-Oh nothing, I'm just asking that's it."

"Say Felix why don't we get coffee after school, just you and me"

Felix looked at him, "really? I would love too!"

Yoongi looked at the two and rolled his eyes.

"What?" Chan and Felix said in Usion.

"Nothing! It's just you guys are so cute! Go on a date now right now!"

"Yoongi we still have 2 more classes lef-" Yoongi caught Felix off.

"Nah ah, you two go on a date! I'll cover for you both!"

"Yoongi we're not on a date! It's just two guys on a outing!" Felix whined.

"No it's not! It's two gay guys going on a date. Not an outing."

Chan smiled at the two bickering.

"Welp Felix come on! We've got a date planned let's go!" Chan grabbed his arm.

Felix looked back at Yoongi. Yoongi waved goodbye with a smirk. Felix silently gasped and turned red.


Yoongi was doing homework on his desk. His headphones were on and his kitten on his lap. His mom soon came in his room and sat at his bed.


Yoongi turned around and smiled.

"Yes mom? What's up?"

"The ceiling, anyway. My boss and her wife which is my co worker, invited us to there party. It's on Friday, and since Friday is no school we could go!"

"Mom" Yoongi whined."I don't wanna go"

"Yoongi please"




"What the fuck! A mansion!" Yoongi yelled

"Yep" Yoongis mom sighed

Yoongis mom rang the bell, then a very tall man came opening the door.

"Ahhh Yumi! Welcome Welcome!"

"Hi Mr. Choi" Yumi answered. "Oh and this is my son Yoongi"

"Hi Yoongi!"

Yoongi gave a small smile. "Hi"

"Omg Yumi" Mr. Choi's wife yelled.

"Hey Aecha"

Aecha gasped. "Omg is this your son!"

"Yeah, my son Yoongi"

"Hi Yoongi! You are so adorable."

Yoongi blushed. "Thanks"

"Come in you two"

"What the hell?!" Yoongi yelled.

The mansion had two big double doors. As you enter there's a big staircase one on each side leading to the second floor. In the middle there's a statue with Mr. And Mrs. Choi's names ingraved included. On the left Hall way there's a huge kitchen. On the right there's the living room. Behind the statue theres another hall way that leads to the party area. Upstairs had many doors. Bedrooms, bathrooms a huge Library. A theater room. Back downstairs. At the very back of the Mansion there's a huge pool, the party continues there. The pool had 4 waterslides. A bar in the pool. Food huts. Saunas. They also had a stable. Lots of horses. Many animals.

Yoongi and his mom went to the party. The party had many people. People from all over the world.

"You guys sit down I'll get you some drinks!" Mrs. Choi smiled. Oh Yoongi can you drink?"

"Oh no I'm just 18"

"18? Aww you don't look 18, you look like you're 14!"


"Anyway, I'll go get you guys drinks"


"Yoongi if you want, you can go upstairs to the Library!" Mr. Choi said.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah go for it, you can go anywhere just ask the maids and Butlers."

Yoongi smiled and ran out of the room. He went upstairs to the Library.


The library had 3 floors. All the books were all organized from the authors last name, fictional, non-fictional, etc. There's was ladders attached to the book shelves so you could roll around. Yoongi found a big Window on the ceiling. He smiled at the night sky. He noticed a writing.

Press the button and the window opens

Yoongi pressed it and the Window did open. A telescope appeared and Yoongi got so hyped up.

"Woah! I could see the moon, so close."

Suddenly he heard a door open. Yoongi closed the window and hid behind one of the bookshelves.

"Hello? Is someone in here?"

Yoongi covered his mouth.

"Hello?" the Person's footsteps became closer.

The person was on the third floor.

"I could see you're feet you know. Come out"

Yoongi got out of his hiding spot and stood in the darkness.

"Come into the light, I cant see you."

Yoongi came closer and the Person gasped.



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