A day like every other....

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Hewo my dear gems! Just for information purpose... This is also a collab work with Greenightronix3400. Thank you for helping me out with Sludg thoughts! Now onto the story... let it roll!

Izuku's POV unless said otherwise

I woke up to thunder. Of course it had to be pouring down like this. What else if not rain greeting me the moment I woke up.


You think it is funny being quirkless?

You think I wanted to be born quirkless?

I didn't ask for it okay?!

You damn idiot!

You think I wanted this?!


I didn't chose my life and I certainly will not give it up just because you tell me to take a fucking swan dive!

Once I opened my eyes, I saw that it was raining buckets and of course I was still laying down on the ground. After 15 minutes of watching the clouds and the rain, I decided to just let my body relax for a bit. That bit was however very short since the moment I decided to stand up, I could hear the sound of the school's bell. A quick glance on my broken phone screen told me that school was already over.

My mother won't like this!

I don't even like this!

Why the hell do I have to need a new phone?

You know how expensive one is?

Why always break my stuff and destroy them?

Why even go after a quirkless kid?!

It's not as if it isn't clear that I can't defend myself from your quirk!

Why not try me to attack me head on for once?

You just don't have the balls for that you damn Pomeranian!

How am I supposed to tell my mom I need a new phone now?!

How am I even telling her how I got all these bruises and burns?!

You think this is funny?


I was just angry and pissed that Bakugo's little minions and of course the star himself beat me up till I blacked out. Since there wasn't anything to do for me, I decided to just call it a day and head back home. Well that is what I thought I would do.

As I was going home, I was attacked by a sludge villain. Great day, I know right? I didn't even realized it myself until I couldn't even breath anymore.

I endured so much!

I don't want to die.

You damn villain!

Why me?!

Why do I always have to end up as a punching bag?!

You want me dead?!

You know what?

I will survive just because!

Now leave me be and get back into the sewer where you belong!

I saw the jelly substance beginning to wrap around me. It was stinking soo much that I knew it just came straight from the gutter. It didn't even look better and if you asked me it belonged there too. Now holding my breath I tried to escape but I couldn't move.

Villain Thoughts:

Why didn't he scream?

Most people would try and fight their way out while screaming.

One even bit me.

Does he just want to die?

Back to Izuku:

Villain: Struggle as much as you want!

You know what?!

I will just do that to make your life more miserable!

I then saw its eyes. The whole body was solid besides the eyes and so I grabbed his eye and squashed it. The villains screamed in pain and threw me up. Gasping for air, I immediately tried to back up but the sludge had other plans for me and so he once again threw himself on to me.


Get away from me you damn slime!

I will live no matter what!

Seeing as struggling won't help at all, I relaxed my body and focused on my heartbeat. If I could slow it down and endure it until someone passes this tunnel, then I would live and I would win this fight. I was sure that a hero would come any minute. It was not like a sludge attacking people every day and something about the villain's rash behavior told me that he needed a disguise and fast! Why else attack me?!

Knowing this much, he must be on a run. Which meant heroes where after him. All I needed to do was stall for time.

Villain: Why did you stop struggling?

No answer.

Villain: Wait... are you suicidal kid?

Do I look fucking suicidal to you?!

I want to live!

I want to survive!


Again No answer from me. I wasn't so dump to give him an answer while I was in him. I would only waste my breath and die faster. Besides that who was he that he was expecting me to answer? I wasn't someone that had to hear him out and answer to it. Like dude I have better things to do in my life.

Villain: WHAT THE HECK! YOU ARE TO YOUNG FOR THI- you know what, thanks kid I appreciate it. I will do take care of your body instead of you!


Your stupid damn brain must be jelly too!

Like I am just trying to survive and struggeling is useless as well as just dumb now!

I could feel my consciousness slowly fading. I couldn't hold by breath any longer.


What's up with heroes?

Do they need a personal invite or something?

Can someone please get me out of here?!

Do they really need to wait till someone dies and be like oh collateral damage... that happened....


It doesn't!

Now any hero move your damn fat ass over here and save my quirkless ass!

Before I knew what was happening I blacked out completely.

Meanwhile Villains thoughts:

This kid's DNA seems to fit just right with the second part of my quirk.

Maybe I don't need to fully take over.

He does seem to just want to die.

We could do many things together!

He is the perfect candidate.

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