[Mr. Psychologist Dude

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I sat in the room all alone. The doctor told me I was to see a psychologist to see what "issues I was facing" and see if "he could help work through them." I didn't need anybody to tell me how screwed up I am and I don't need to work through them. Hell i wanted to move on who i am today hates who i was in the past. i wished i could just forget about it all and move on because Daniel and his family are letting me be "apart of their loving home"and allowing me to start over and have a...normal life.

what seemed like only five minutes the "Doctor" walked into the room. He looked young, really young. I honestly couldn't believe he was a psychologist. He has these pretty blue eyes, messy light brown hair and a nice body. He didnt look much older than 20. He couldn't have been my psychologist.
he walked right over to me extended his hand and introduced himself, "hello miss i am Mr. Herrison your psychologist. I am 22 years old and i know i dont seem qualified to be your psychologist because of my age and i assure you that i went through all my classes that i needed to and internships to become who i am today." He smiled widely.

i smiled and nodded back shaking his hand. He sad down in the chair in front of me and put his left leg over his right and pulled out a pad of paper and a pen. i sat there quietly staring at him.

"So Liz, is that alright that i call you Liz?" i nodded, "awesome, now i see here that you were sexually abused by your mothers boyfriend a couple of days ago and you self harm because you are unhappy with your life and you are bullied. Your parents dont care about you and your 'best friend'" he air quoted, " pretended to end her life just to make your life even mor...lets see whats the right word? messed up? yes, to make your life even more messed up than it already was. would you like to say anything about this?" he stopped talking and looked directly into my eyes. I was a little hesitant at first, i mean who wouldn't right? But he waited patiently for me to answer not trying to pressure me or anything. After a forever silence, i answered, "why do you know so much about me? how? i-" i couldnt finish i just got lost in thought.

He started laughing and that brought me back to reality, "oh Liz, D didnt tell you?" i was confused. D? And he didn't tell me what? who is this guy amd who the hell is D?

My facial expression must have gave away the fact that i was confused by what he had said, "obviously he didn't." he laughed, "D, my younger brother Daniel, told me to request to be your psychologist because he trusts me and, lets pray he doesnt kill me for saying this, is very fond of you. He is the one who told all of this to me. Please dont get mad at him, it was my idea to know you're life story." He gave me a small smile.

"Wait, but you said your name was Mr. Harrison?" I asked confused. Thats not Daniel's last name.

"Oh right, you see i was adopted when i was ten by Daniel's parents. Sweet people, so caring. I'm glad you are going to be staying with us for the long haul. It will be good for you." He took a short pause, "you caan trust me. i know it will be hard for you to do it, but i want you to know that you can trust me." Mr. Herrison smiled at me. he seemed like a good guy but, i really just didnt know about him.

"Whats your name? So when i am with you at your house-"

"Our house" he interrupted me and smiled.

"R-right our house." i nervously laughed.

"It's Andrew Tom Harrison. Most people call me A or Drew for short. But you can call me whatever you like." He was so nice I couldn't help but smile whenever he talked.

"Could i call you Harrison? It would be easy to remember for here at sessions and when we are, um, home." Harrison nodded and then said "Now we need to proceed with our little session here alright?" i nodded and so we continued. I talked he listened and asked questions. Then after a while we drifted into a more relaxed and funny conversation. He talked about his life and how he got to where he was today and he told me some funny stories about him and his adopted siblings. He was really nice and funny. I liked him a lot, i felt like i could really trust him, and i was happy that i thought that.

"Okay you seem to be doing great Liz. I'm going to go tell your doctor to give me your release forms and tell him that you will be living with my family." Harrison said at the end of it. "I'll come back to your room and get you when i get everything done and squared away."

"Thank you Harrison." i said right before he left me alone to walk back to my room. I felt hopeless again. Always when I'm alone i feel hopeless. No i cant feel this way. i cant let it happen again i cant see my heart in that state of sadness. I cant let Harrison see my heart like that. I cant cross the line again.

Once i was back in my room i packed up my things, which really only was my phone and toothbrush. The doctor put my cloths and other things that were with me in a "safe room" because i was out of it for so long i really didnt need them. A little while later there was a knock on my door.

"You ready to go Liz? Someone took your bags down to my car and i signed all the release forms already so whenever you wanna go we can."

"I'm ready now," i smiled and got up off the bed with my small bag of things and started walking out the door.

"Here let me take that for you," Harrison said taking the bag from me.

"Oh you really don't have to do that, its not that heavy i can carry it." i protested as we walked down the hall of the hospital.

"Dont be silly! its really no trouble at all. Besides its about time a guy, or anyone for that matter, treats you right."

I smiled at that and let him take the bag for me.

Maybe my life is going to be good after all.


Hello and here finally is the update for this book. Ive been extremely busy and if it werent for my best friend @Erisedies this chaper will still be unfinished. I hope you enjoy it and i hopebthe next chapter will be up shortly.

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