Andrew Tom Harrison

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A/N:i just want to say i lost all heart to write this story. But then i allowed a close friend to read it and he wants to know what happens to Linda so i will finish this for him.

Harrison was a sweet guy. Really was. I practically spent every day with him. I had to be home schooled, which he was my teacher, and i had my therapy sessions with him as well. I felt so happy i found Daniel who told his brother i needed help. They are the best people in my life and i couldn't ask for better people in my life.

One day i was sitting in my new room and Daniel entered with a knock. "Hey girly. How's it going?" He walked over and sat at the edge of my queen sized bed, just missed sitting on a pile of purple and black blankets that i pushed off of me just moments before he entered.

"I guess fine. You're brother is helping me a lot and both of you are so kind to me." I half smiled and took both the blankets and started to fold them.

"Yeah. That's great. I'm, um going to be leaving soon to go out with someone. She, um, well she used to be your best friend." He said looking down at the floor littered with books and journals.

"O-oh? You mean E-emily?" I asked feeling the ball in my throat grow into a giant stone.

"Yeah. Her." He looked at me dead in the eyes and looked guilty? He started to scratch his neck. A nurvous habit of his. "I, um, i hope you are okay with that?"

I didn't know what to feel; sad, angry, hurt? Was he seriously asking me that? "What do you mean by 'i hope you are okay with that?'" I asked monotone. Trying not to show him any type of emotion.

"Well, i just want to make sure you are okay with me going out with your ex best friend." He said so fast and quiet i could hardly make our what he said.

"Yeah sure. I'm okay with that." I gave him a forced smile.

"Awesome!" He gave me a quick hug and jump up, "See you later!" And then he left and i sat there emotionless.

"Li? Are you here? We need to start our evening session!" His voice got louder as he got closer to my door. "Li?" He opened the door and looked concerned when he saw me.

"What's up doc?" I tried to joke.

"What did he do." He asked in a stern voice.

"What did who do?" I asked innocently.

"Fuck! He went out with Emily didn't he!" Harrison started pacing the room. "I'm sorry for my idiot brother Linda, i will talk to him later. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," i shrugged.

"In my experience in the field of psychology and working with cases such as yours, 'I'm fine' usually means you are not actually fine. And by seeing you and knowing my brother, i conclude you are not fine." He sat down next to me, "now tell me. How do you really feel."

"I feel like, horrible. Like there is a chunk of me gone. I feel empty, sad, emotionless, angry, and just i want to cry." I choked out.

"I see. Like somehow he ripped out your heart?" He asked. I nodded my head. "I want too introduce you to a friend of mine. I think he might help you somehow? I will give him a call tomorrow and see when he can come tall to you." Harrison got up and started walking towards the door.

"Who is this guy?" I asked voice hardly there.

"You will see soon enough. I think yiu will like him he is a great guy." He half smiled, "get some rest. I will talk to you in the morning." He turned of the light and closed the door when he exited out of my room.

I decided to lay down and cover up but the was no way i was going to fall asleep anytime soon. Thoughts kept running through my head. But i blocked them out. I have to stay positive.

I have to stay positive. I have to stay positive. I have to stay positive. I kept repeating that to myself until i fell asleep.


"Linda! My beautiful wife! How are you today my love?" This man asked me. He had short brown hair and small brown eyes, tan skin and the biggest smile in the world.

I smiled back at him, "i am wonderful." He gave me a kiss on the cheek and just then three little children come running into the room.

"Mommy!" They all screamed and ran up to me and gave me big hugs. I hugged them all back and kissed their heads.

they took a step back and stood by their father. I smiled and sighed. My life was finally good. I took a step back, and then i was falling. I screamed and screamed but nothing happened.

I hit the bottom but i was in a box. I couldn't move. It was dark and cold. I was scared.

Someone opened the box. All i saw were a few people crying. Then someone spoke. "If she only knew what she meant to me. I loved her and wanted to ask her to marry me," he started crying. The same person who was crying was the man who called me wife! "I wanted to have a life with her, but she cut hers short. Goodbye my love."

Everything went black.

Do you want a family and happy life or do you want to end it all Linda? Only you can decide.

I woke up drenched in sweat trying to catch my breath and crying. I hopped out of bed as fast i could and ran down the hall. I opened the door to Harrison's room. He wasn't sleeping so he looked up at me when i barged in. "Andrew Tom Harrison. Help me."

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