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When we got to school, there was a lady standing outside the front gate yelling at everybody telling them where to go.

"Attention freshmen! Go and pick up your schedules from the front office! Then report to your homeroom!"

"Do you know where the front office is?" I asked him.

"Why yes I do," he smiled and took my hand, "I'll show you, new best friend."

New best friend? He kisses me walks, to school with me and then he calls me his new best friend? In what universe does that make us best friends? I don't think any, because last time i checked I never kissed Emily-they are probably wheeling her off to the morgue at this very moment. We finally got to the front office and bam! The one and only slut bag was there, Elizabeth Martin. She hated my guts and stole every single guy I ever tried to be with.

"Well, well, well. Look at what we have here! The mentality unstable, drug addict bitch and this beautiful built guy with eyes that could make a million girls die." She smirked.

"Not to be rude or anything but I think you have something wrong here," Daniel started, "you are the bitch here so fuck off!"

"Linda you better keep your little fuck buddy here off my back or else I'll make both of your life's are a living hell for these four years we are here, you go that sweetheart?"

"No you listen here sweetheart," what the hell was I getting myself into, "you will just leave me and Daniel alone. You will not fuck this school year or the other three years up for me got it? And another thing, he is not my fuck buddy he is my best friend! I am not a slut like you!"

There was a crowd around us, "listen bitch! You have no right to call me a slut! You are nothing, a nobody, honestly if you killed yourself right now nobody would care! So go fuck yourself Linda, or should I say, go cut yourself?" I pulled on my sleeves to the shirt I was wearing. How did she know? "Oh? Oops?" She evilly laughed, "was nobody supposed to know about that? About how your parents hate each other? How they are on the verge of getting a. divorce? How your brother comes home drunk and beets you? How your best friend Emily is really not your best friend? How she is really alive?"

"What?" I felt sick as I saw Emily walk up behind the devil's daughter. I was crying hard, "h-how? I-I, h-her body was on the floor? I was there!"

"Listen, sweetheart? Emily was always my friend. Yes all those years? After she made you spill all your secrets, she would come over to my house and we would laugh and plan things against you," wow, this was not what I was expecting. "Everything you ever said, did, or didn't do, I know all about. Like how your Uncle John, whenever he came to visit, you had to spend the night at Emily's because he raped you twice. Am I right?"She looked at me, and she saw she was right, "of course I am," she smirked. "I have to go now sweetheart, but I would love to continue this chat some other time? Later," she laughed as she went inside the front office.

And just when I thought things were slightly better, it all comes crashing down on me. I didn't feel like going in and dealing with her, I didn't feel like dealing with anyone. I turned around. There was only one thing that could make me feel better. I needed my blade. I walked home. Nobody stopped me. Not even my "new best friend" I mean why would anybody? I was a really fucked up girl with an even more fucked up life. I'm glad my house wasn't that far away, I got there shortly so I could stop the pain.

I ran up to my room and closed the door, my dad was at work, brother out drinking, and my mother was out somewhere. I had the house to myself. Perfect.

I turned on my iPod and Blink-182 started to play, great. I pulled out a box from under my bed. It was white, with some blood stains on it. I opened it and took out the towel and blade. I closed the box, and laid the towel on the floor and set the box on the corner. I sat in the middle of the towel and piked up the blade. I moved my sleeves up to my elbows, I placed the blade on my wrist, it was cold and made me shiver. I pressed it down against my skin until I felt it penetrate the skin, then I slid it across my wrist, I reopened one of my cuts, but it hurt so good. The warm blood spilled out of my body, I cut deeper than usual. Lots of blood was coming out, and I just made another cut. Cut after cut I became weaker i stopped after about the 15th cut, listening to the lyrics that fit my life:I never thought I'd die alone another six months I'll be unknown give all my things to all my friends you'll never step foot in my room again.

Then when I was about to close my eyes my mother came bursting into the room. "Linda! What have you done!" She does care, and right when I'm about to explain myself she says this, "You ruined a perfectly good towel! How could you!"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, wait yes I could it was my mother we were talking about, "Wait, you are upset about the towel! What the fuck! Mom doesn't this look worse than your fucking precious towel!" I shoved my arms up in her face, "This means nothing to you! Me wanting to fucking kill myself doesn't mean shit to you!"

"Don't use that language with me! You just wait until your father sees what you have done!" She took her hand and slapped me across the face.

"I fucking hate your guts! You aren't my mother! I am leaving! You are a fucking bitch!"

I walked over to my closet and grabbed my duffle bag and started to shove all my close in it, "Yes that's right you are leaving! You are going into a place that can give you some help because you are fucking insane!" She pulled out her phone and called my new home. I can't believe she called me insane! I just sat on my bed until they came to pick me up. I just sat there and thought to myself 'maybe I am crazy'. Some gentlemen in white uniforms walked into my room and asked me to come with them. I just nodded and went with them. What else was I supposed to do? If I protested and said I wasn't crazy they would be live I was. I walked down stairs with one in front of me and the other in back. I didn't see my mom, dad, or brother. See how much they care? I sat in the back. And rode all the way to Happy Place in complete silence. What was in store for me there, God only knows.

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