Part 1, A not so welcoming introduction.

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The sound of Leo's alarm barely woke him up. But, something inside him made him get up. It was the first day of high school, and Leo was more excited then probably most were. He quickly threw on some clothes and headed downstairs to greet his mom. "You seem excited." Leo's mom said. "I am!" Leo replied enthusiastically. Leo had an older brother who had said repeatedly over the summer how bad high school would be, but Leo just assumed he was trying to scare him. Leo quickly ate a biscuit, and went to do everything else to prepare. Leo flew out the door to his car, and drove himself to school, so excited he almost started speeding. Once he arrived, he got out and took a long deep breath, then headed up to the doors. Well, that's what he was planning to do. All of a sudden he felt a hand grab his hood, and jerk him back. He turned to look at the person, and all he could think was, Shit. It was Owen Bakear. Owen had a reputation of being violent. In seventh grade, Owen had stabbed a kid who had been bullying him, and he was expelled. But, he would hang around the school, and if you walked home, then you were an automatic target. Now, Leo was staring at the most famous kid in school for bullying, and he couldn't mutter a single word. What made this worse was....Leo had a small, SMALL, bit of a crush on Owen. It was something about his Strawberry blonde hair, and his strong figure, and his bright blue eyes, and his- OK point is Leo has a bit of a crush on him. So being held by him was just sending so many tingles down Leo's spine. "Are you blushing man?" Owen said with a condescending chuckle. "Uhm-I uh...-" Was all Leo could mutter out. "Alright, today at 4:30, come meet me at south hall, I'll be waiting." Owen said. Before Leo could even process what the hell just happened, he dropped me and walked away. Leo sat up and walked though the doors. He hoped that that, weird start to the day wouldn't alter his first day. Boy, he was wrong.  

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