Part 6, Makeover.

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Hannah: Everyone was following Hannah to her house. Hannah still had her confidence from that idea, so she marched it's pride. They arrived at her house, and she rushed everyone into her bedroom. "Ok, Leo and Owen, go into my brothers room across the hall, and look for some suits, do your hair, etc." Owen and Leo nodded as they went out the door. Hannah turned to Savannah. "You and I need to find some dresses." Hannah said to Savannah. "Right, what screams "professional"." Savannah said. Both sat in silence for a bit before Savannah perked up. "I feel like a navy blue tight dress, maybe like a scarf?" Savannah said. "Hmm..I don't know then we look like flight attendance." Hannah replied. "Right, maybe we could dress casual?" Savannah said. "Might give it away that we're actually high schoolers." Hannah replied. 

Savannah: Savannah was thinking hard. What could pass them for professional? Then it came to Savannah. "How about a collage of fancy and casual!" Savannah blurted out. Hannah had a thinking look on her face before it lit up. "Perfect!" Hannah said. Savannah marched over and looked through Hannah's closet. She pulled out a long blackish gray dress, a scarf, a jean jacket, heels, and a white tank top. "This?" Savannah asked. "Hmm...yes!" Hannah replied back. Hannah walked over to the closet and started rummaging through it. A minute later, she pulled out a long sleeve brown sweater, a black skirt, and some heels. "How about this?" Hannah asked. Savannah found it slightly basic, but also cute. "I like it!" Savannah said. "Ok, let's change." Hannah said.

Owen:  Just being in the same room as Leo made Owen feel all mushy. Owen had had a crush on Leo Since 5th grade, but had kept it hidden well. But for some reason, his hormones were going crazy (editors note, I DONT MEAN LIKE A SEXUAL WAY). Owen kept making glances at Leo, and Leo, thank god didn't notice. 

Leo: Leo noticed Owen glancing at him, but he tried to not make it obvious that he knew. Leo was thinking of what Owen had said earlier. "Would you go out with me?". It had stuck with Leo, and he realized something. Owen was actually pretty nice around Leo. But, he had a reputation for being a bully. Something came to Leo, that for some reason didn't come to him the first time it happened. Owen liked Leo. Leo wanted to go out with Owen to, but he didn't know how to tell him. "Did you find a suit?" Owen spoke suddenly. Leo, still in his trans said, "Uh-Uh..yeah..yeah I did." Owen looked puzzled, then said, "Oh..ok." Leo headed into the bathroom and got into the suit. He brushed his hair so that it looked "Professional" then headed out. But as he headed out, he bumped into Owen. "Sorry-" Owen and Leo both said. Suddenly, Leo and Owen were face to face, both Blushing.

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