Part 2, The Message.

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Leo walked in the door shakily and felt weird. He didn't know why, until he realized he looked small compared to everyone else. Right, he was at starting point again. He walked through the hallway quickly, all that excitement now energy to get to his new locker. At his locker, he got a text. He was confused, given everyone he knew were either at work or school. He opened the text, and immediately he went pale. "Do Everything I say, or else I'll reveal your secret." Leo's skin was covered in a cold sweat. He didn't know what to do, if anyone found out his secret, he could never show his face in school ever again. Leo didn't know how to respond. All he could do was look at the message. "Leo?" A voice behind him asked. Leo jolted and turned around to see who it was. Daphne Bridges. Shit. Daphne Bridges was Leo's ex from years ago. He really shouldn't have been dating, but he was in a crisis of trying to figure himself out. He broke up with her, and hadn't seen her sense. "D-Daphne, uhh hi.." Leo said. "Is..something wrong, you're sweating." Daphne said skeptically. "No, no, everything is fine, I'm just pretty hot.." Leo said trying to sound convincing. "Uh..ok, well I just wanted to say hi, it's been a while, you know?" Daphne said. Leo hadn't managed to say bye before Daphne scurried off. Leo looked back down at his phone. He decided to text back, "Ok." It wasn't much, but it was all Leo could muster within his hyperventilation. A text came back that said, "Go to the most southeastern point of the school, when you are there text back." 

Owen: Owen busted through the south hall doors and raced down the hall. He bumped into a few people, but all he could focus on was getting to the hallway that lead to the south east part of the school. No one could find out his secret. No one. If anyone found out, he could never show his face in school again. His entire reputation would be crushed. He got to the south eastern point of the school. He practically puked. Right there was Fucking Leo Springs. 

Savannah: Savannah was running faster then she ever thought she could. She had been sitting at the track, and as soon as she saw the message she got up and practically started flying towards the school. She was tired, but she would do anything to protect her secret. She flew through the doors and practically trampled some poor 7th graders trying to get to their classes in the high school. She arrived at the south east point of the school, and there was 2 boys she didn't recognize, but both of them were staring at her.

Hannah: Hannah was running to the south east point as fast as she could, practically crying. She was slamming into people, lockers, water fountains, anything. She finally got to the southeast point of the school and she doubled over crying. It took her about 2 and a half minutes of crying to realize there were 3 other people, 2 boys and 1 girl all staring at her. 

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