Part 10, Freedom At Last.

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Savannah: Savannah called the police and told them everything. About the blackmailer and that they were saying to do, and the plan they had. 30 minutes later, 2 police cars showed up in front of them. Out came 4 police officers. "So, a blackmailer." A police woman said. They all nodded. "Hm, ok, hop on in the car." Leo and Owen went into one of the cars, while the girls got in the other.

Owen: Owen and Leo squished together, and Owen couldn't help but blush. They were all still glammed up, hopefully that's not suspicious. Owen gently placed his hand on Leo's, and Leo glanced at him. Suddenly, the police woman said, "Don't be kissing back there." In a joking tone. Owen immediately took his hand off Leo's, and looked out the window. "Hey, I was joking." The policewoman said.

Leo: Owen and Leo both let out a small chuckle, but Leo was still pretty embarrassed by that. The ride was silent except for that, and they arrived at the school. Leo was shaky, but he was ready to catch the blackmailer. They all marched into the school, and the four of them went into the office while the police waited outside the office. The four slowly walked into the office, to find the blackmailer.

Hannah: The guy was covered in all black except for his eyes, and he talked as they walked in. "Well, well , well, Savannah, Hannah, Owen, And Leo. Great to see you all." They all said nothing. Savannah looked at the ground, Hannah kept glancing up, Leo was just looking around, and Owen straight up glared at the blackmailer. "Well, let's get to it." The blackmailer turned on the speaker that went across the school. 

Savannah: Just as he was about to start, the police rushed in and grabbed him. "SHIT!" The blackmailer yelled. "Sir, you are under arrest." A policeman said. The blackmailer struggled but he didn't seem of the strong type, so they kept him at bay. The commotion had attracted some students and teachers. Everyone gasped, and murmured.  

Owen: Basically the entire school had gathered outside to watch the arrest. The blackmailer ended up being a guy named James Dayton. He was a 19 year old escaped convict who looked the part of a new high schooler. As the police car drove away, a relief flooded over the four. They were free from the blackmailer.

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