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"Hehehe. Love you!" I said simultaneously wearing the ring on Yibo's finger. The laughter of the guests was still echoing while Yibo's forehead was furrowed but soon his expression improved.

He just shot me a look that was a bit weird. It's like ... measuring.

The Priest again said various things. My brain is offline again.

It just went online again when I heard a word I swear to hear, the ...

"I now pronounce you husband and wife ... you may now KISS the bride!" announced by the priest.

My eyes widened. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss.

I couldn't even get the word kiss when Yibo suddenly hugged me and presented me to him.

I swallowed.

"What's wrong?" Yibo asked smiling. "Don't tell me, are you still embarrassed Sweetheart? We always do that, remember?"

And I look far, far away from Yibo. Oh god! Help!

I swallowed again when Yibo brought his face close to mine. I can't even close my eyes. My chest is throbbing hard.

I looked at Yibo's face and I imagined he was a chimpanzee. I imagine I'm kissing a chimpanzee. Thats more than okay to me. I love animals ehh..

"Who do you call a chimpanzee ?!" Yibo's sudden angry growl.

Oh shoot! He heard. "He he!" I'm Dead.

"Chimpanzee? Nothing! I just remember my pet before ... because I always kiss it. He he."

I scratched my head and faced the Priest.

"Kiss him!" he said.

I shook. "Just at home, for privacy."

But Yibo dragged me again in front of him and then he suddenly kissed me ... on the forehead!

On the forehead! On the forehead!

But I didn't smile when he looked at me. Finally, we’re done with this nonsense. Or maybe not, it's just the beginning of my hell with my supposed husband.

The guests applauded and then greeted Yibo's killer 'Best Wishes!' Yibo's family greeted me first. The clan of the Wang.

"So it's Uncle Sean already! Welcome to the family!" smiling Jiyang greeting as he approached us. He tails a teenage boy who closely resembles Yibo. Especially the kis's face was serious.

"Thanks!" I just said. I want to correct that my name is Zhan and not Sean but it's nonsense to do that. I just turned to the teenage version of Yibo.

"Hello, Haoxuan!" I greet the man warmly.

I was frustrated. He doesn't just look like Yibo ... they get along well. There is demonism without manners.

"Ah don't mind Xuan," Jiyang said. "Just ..."

"... he's just like his Uncle!" I added.

Jiyang laughed out loud. "Exactly!"

I looked at Yibo and saw that he looked down on me.

"Oh? What did I do this time?"

Yibo (Haoxuan style) just smirked and then plastic greeted the guests. I wanted to hit him on the heel of my shoe but I stopped. He might take back the million dollars he paid to redeem Dad's company.

Just keep it up Zhan, you can also get your freedom from that monster. You can also marry the right man for you. Like Jared Leto or Brad Pitt so. AY! Brad Pitt already has Angelina. Tsk!

Someone even approached us who was a bit older than the guests. Yibo's aunts and uncles and other poncio pilato.

"Best wishes, son ..." said one. "Just be patient with Yibo's kind of sarcasm. That boy really is like that."

I smiled. "I can easily handle my Sweetheart! Even Bulls in Mexico are afraid of me! Hehe!"

"Oh, really?" Yibo groaned. "Do I look like a bull to you, Sweetheart?"

I shrugged. I pretended not to hear him and I was deaf for a moment.

"And when did you go to Mexico?" Yibo asked again.

"A month ago. We featured a bullfight in the Magazine of ---" oh mhy! I must be Sean. And Sean is a supermodel, what will he do in the bullfight in Mexico? You fool, Zhan !!

I bit my tongue. I saw Yibo's eyebrow rise again. Me and my big mouth. "Hehe! Is that Daddy?" I pointed to the approaching old man to us. Lord Wang Qiren, father of Yibo.

"Son!" he greeted me warmly. "Congratulations!" the man hugged me and I was very grateful because Yibo's brain seemed to have been diverted.

You shouldn't congratulate me. I appreciate 'goodluck' more than 'congrats'. I need a lot of LUCK in handling Yibo's punishment. I want to say that but as usual, those words were stored in my memory bank.

When the greeting is over. Its now Picture taking. My cheeks are already tingling with the smile and my foot is already sore because of the shoes I'm wearing. Is it still long? I'm already hungry.

I bent down for a moment and pulled the shoe off my foot and then I threw it at the back without looking back.

"MMM! Thats for you! You fuckibg shoes!" I whispered.

"Ouchh !!"

Everyone was distracted by the shouting. When I looked, the Priest shook his head. The shoe I threw at landed there.

"Where did this shoe come from?" the Priest asked. All just stared.

Dead maliciously I turned to the wedding Photographer and smiled. "Oh Picture! More pictures" I shouted. But I feel like Yibo is looking at me.

"Why did you throw your shoes?!" he growled.

"My foot hurts!" my answer. "I hate heels!"

Yibo's grip on me tightened. "Or really? First time I heard, model who doesn't like heels!"

Oh fuck! Of course! Zhan ...? GET LOST !! YOU'RE NOW SEAN, STUPID !!!


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