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💎👑 Mysterious saviors👑💎


"I never once accepted you as my daughter and I never will."

Said the cold blooded emperor, Glaring down at the kneeling abandoned princess below him who has tears on her jeweled blue eyes.

"An execution is not needed, because I will be the one who would be killing this spoiled brat!" The Cold blooded emperor yell out as he pointed his sword out towards the kneeling princess who has a broken look on her face, her name is Athanasia de alger obelia.

Her dream, hope, ambition and desire for her father to accepted her and treat her like his own daughter, his own child is now all broken, shattered as tears start to fall on her face.

'All I want is for you to accept me as your daughter, your family, treat me like one and love me like one. Father... Is it to hard for you to do that for me.' Athanasia thought as her blue jeweled eyes that once shine in hope, dream, ambition and desire. Now just blankly staring up at the man who she only wish to love her as his daughter, walking up to her with his sword pointed at her neck.

"Any last words." The emperor said glaring down at her. Who just blankly staring at him with tears on the side of her face.

"I didn't do anything bad papa... I loved you." That's all she said a she closed her eyes just accepting her fate. As her father lift his sword ready to kill her until a strong demonic aura started surrounding her, making  everyone in the room panic and he step back with a widen surprise look on his face.

"Princess Athanasia!" One maid name Lilian, yelled running to the princess to protect her even if she knew it was dangerous. Athanasia who is still closing her eyes began to feel her head starting to ache and she's starting to feel like she is about to pass out. Her body fall and laid on the floor when she felt a hand trying to protect her and trying to wake her up, before completely passing out.

"Princess! Wake up!" Lilian said as she trying to wake her up.

"Your majesty kill that maid too! she is trying to protect the one who poison princess Jennette!" One of the Noble yelled in fear but Lilian doesn't care as her focus is on the pass out princess on her lap. The demonic aura also started to surrounded her as well. Completely surrounding both of them before it disappear.

Seeing both of them disappear right in front of their, making everyone started to panic.

"Your majesty the princess and the maid disappear!"

"What are we going to do!?"

The other nobles said as they look at the emperor who wear a surprise widen look as he stared at the place where Athanasia previously was. As he began to feel like his chest is tightening and he felt like something inside of him started to shatter, broke.

'He is confused? Why is he confused? Does he care for her? Why does he feel like this..?' He thought as many thoughts started to clouded his mind and he started to question and silently panic why he is suddenly feeling this way.

"Find her and bring them back here!" The emperor yelled walking out of the room. Making everyone shock.

Meanwhile with a unconscious Athanasia, Lilian and the one who teleported them.

"Who are you? what do you want from the princess?" Lilian said as she looked at the people who teleported them. One has red hair with a straight cut fringe and a short plait and has a serious face, while the other one was a towering tall and imposing figure with a bald head, he wears a pair of glasses that sits at the top of his nose. (Author: Lilian didn't see the tail, horns.and cat ears both of them make it magically disappear.)

"We'll introduce ourselves later but first we have to help you with the girl in your hands." The tall bald man said. Making Lilian look down at the princess in her hands.

"Please help the princess..." She pleaded at the strangers infront of her to help the princess she has been protecting all her life.

"Okay, Opera bring her to a room and take care of her." The tall bald man said as he look at the red hair man who is name Opera. (Author: I know Opera's gender is not been confirmed but some people call opera he/him some they/them.)

Opera who immediately go to Lilian kneeling down to carrying Athanasia while Lily tighten her hold to Athanasia, looking at Opera.

"Allow me to help her, I will not hurt her. I promise you that." Opera said offering his hand to help Athanasia. Before Lily loosen her hold to Athanasia allowing Opera to carry Athanasia. Opera who now has the blonde girl in his arms and stand up.

"I'm now going to take the princess in her room." Opera said as they walk towards the door."

"I'm going with you." Lilian said as she stand up and look at them and they look back and just nods. Following them as she wants to make sure they wouldn't do anything bad to the princess and she still didn't know who they are. Both of them leaving the room.

Leaving The tall bald man alone in the room name Sullivan as he looked at the window. Before he thought.

"Diana I may have not been able to protect you before. but i will not make that happen again this time, I promise you. I will protect her from any harm, from her father and those who try to hurt her. your daughter and..."







"My granddaughter."

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