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💎👑 Grandfather and Granddaughter bonding with a new brother on the way wait... what!?👑💎


Time skip

It's been almost a month ever since Athanasia and Lily got teleported to the Netherworld with Athanasia for the first time, meeting her Best Grandpa that she could ever have the one who truly love and care for her.

The one looks at her with warm loving eyes of a grandfather, the one who treats her with love of a family something she never one's have.

Her Grandpa Sullivan, Opera and Lily are her new family. the one's who is  helping her to recover from the trauma and neglect of her past childhood of her being in the Obelian empire.

Now she is able to feel what it's like to have a loving family to go home to and welcome her. To be a kid to be a free spirited for once in her new life.

The one's Fragile, and timid kind hearted girl slowly becoming a strong and confident kind hearted girl who is willing to stand up for the people/demon who is in need and for herself. Though she still has a long way to go.

Right now Sullivan and his Only Granddaughter are currently in the garden with many netherworld flowers surrounding them, learning magic. Sullivan is teaching Athanasia how magic works in the netherworld. Like types, kinds, uses of magic here in the netherworld. And demon history. From the Demon King and The Unknown Demon Queen of Netherworld who purposely hides behind the Demon King back and rules with him in silent.

Athy who is used to studying and reading old books all day back when she is still in the Obelian empire. Studying so hard to be smart and to know what she needed to know about the empire so her Cold blooded "Father" could finally accept her a his daughter. So it's easy for her to understand and learned what her Grandpa is teaching her.

"Great job Athy-chan you can do it." Sullivan said being proud at Athy who is trying to used her gravity abilities that she learned from Sullivan by lifting a full glass of water steady and slowly to the air without spilling the water.

Her first attempts it didn't work because the glass of water literally shots up the sky because of how much gravity she immediately puts with the glass cup almost hitting her head if her Grandpa didn't act fast and caught the glass before if hit her head.

"I did it Grandpa! I'm able to used my gravity abilities correctly!" Athanasia said happily her jeweled eyes sparkling with amazement that she can used magic. Looking at the glass as she slowly lower it down.

"Athy-chan you learned fast! you are amazing wow your lovely grandpa is proud of you!" Sullivan said in his eggy form hugging Athanasia and she hugs back. which Athy grown to love about her Grandpa's eggy form.

"Thank you Eggy Grandpa." Athy said as both of them started laughing together until they see Lily walking towards them.

"Princess, Sir Sullivan the tea is ready." Lily said bringing the tea, walking to them seeing both Grandpa and Granddaughter hugging each other.

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