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Daniella patiently waited for Max to open the door as she stood outside his apartment in Monaco, talking to her boss on the phone. She let out a deep breath as she half-listened to what Toto was saying.

Within seconds Max opened the door and he was on the phone as well. He gestured for Daniella to come in and closed the door behind her once she did.

"Yes Toto, I understand," Daniella replied in a low voice so whoever was on the other side of Max's call won't hear her.

"No I am not memorizing so many lines for a tiny commercial," Max said to his PR manager. He was already frustrated after getting a script with multiple dialogues.

Daniella shot him a confused look, asking what was going on. Max just rolled his eyes and pointed at his phone.

"No, I am dating him, how many times do I have to tell you that?" Daniella was annoyed.

Max immediately looked at her.

Daniella walked into the kitchen to get herself something to drink and Max followed her. He leaned against the wall as she opened this fridge and got herself a can of Red Bull.

"Is there any chance the commercial would work just fine if I don't say anything?" Max asked his PR manager, making her frustrated by his demands and questions.

"So you are saying I can never date another driver?" Daniella asked, only paying half attention as her other half of attention was on opening the can which she failed to do with just one hand.

She let out a sigh as the Red Bull can almost slip from her hands.

Max gestured for her to bring the can to him so that he can open it.

"Oh, so I can only date another driver after I am retired?" Daniella followed up with what Toto said as she walked over to Max and held out the can.

"Fine, I will try to memorize the lines," Max gave in and ended the call.

He took the Red Bull can and opened it for Daniella.

"So... hypothetically speaking, if by any chance I start dating someone, the wise thing to do for the relationship to work is to retire? Is that what you are saying?" She started messing with her boss.

Max took a sip before handing the Red Bull back to Daniella.

Daniella couldn't control her giggle as Toto started getting riled up and yelling at her not to retire. Even Max could hear his voice and the phone was even on speaker.

Max chuckled as he hugged Daniella from behind and kissed her cheek, making her smile.

"So I can date another driver before retiring?" She asked her boss before tilting her head and kissing Max on the lips.

On the other side of the call, Toto was regretting calling Daniella, wishing he had called Lewis instead to get rid of his boredom. He went on about the consequences and even decided to threaten her.

"No need to threaten me, Toto," Daniella said. "And honestly I doubt George will be able to do better than me."

Max kissed her neck making her almost moan while on the call. She lightly hit him and tried to push him away but he wouldn't budge. He trailed his lips on her neck, leaving soft lingering kisses, teasing her.

"No.. No, I was just..." Daniella was finding it hard to form a full sentence, making Max smirk mischievously.

He slowly started lifting up Daniella's dress while still holding her close and kissing her neck.

"I under... I understand your concern," Daniella stuttered, her breathing getting heavy as Max pulled her dress dangerously high and his fingers tracing patterns on her thigh in a teasing manner as his kisses got slightly aggressive, begging her to give him the attention but the at the same time he is enjoying the teasing.

"Of course not," Daniella said in a shaky voice. "I would never date a Red Bull driver, especially someone like Max Verstappen. You have nothing to worry about."

Max turned her around and before Daniella could say anything he pressed his lips against her. Daniella didn't even protest or push him away to finish the call. The kiss deepened as Max pushed her against the kitchen aisle. For a few moments, she unknowingly removed the phone from her ears.

As they pulled away slowly and broke the kiss for a brief few seconds Daniella put the phone on her ear again.

"Yeah, sorry I can hear you now," She said, feeling a bit out of breath. "Yes, I am okay."

Max smirked as Daniella looked vulnerable yet desperate for his touch. He started kissing her neck again, this time not holding back as he started to unzip her dress.

"Listen, Toto, we will continue this conversation later, something important came up," Daniella quickly said and ended the call, not waiting for a reply. She put her phone aside and Max slipped the dress off her.

"So you will never date a Red Bull driver huh?" Max asked as swiftly lifted her and put her on the aisle.

"Max.." Daniella moaned as she pulled him for a kiss.

"Especially not someone like me, huh?" He let out a low growl as he pulled away from the kiss and gently pushed her to lay on the aisle and spread her legs.

Daniella couldn't help but bit her lower lips and let out a moan as Max started kissing her thigh and slowly going up, her hands gripping his hair.

He looked up at her, his eyes holding nothing but lust and aggression as he thrust a finger inside her and then slowly pulled out. Her back arched as licked his finger.

"Max please..." Daniella begged, craving for more attention, craving for more of him.

He took off her clothes as Daniella restlessly waited for him. He smirked as Daniella failed to not touch herself in the meantime.

Max kicked off his clothes and kissed her deep, passion and lust engulfing them as he pinned her arm on top of her head, sending her a warning to not remove from there. He kissed every inch of her as he trailed down till his lips were between her thighs again.

"No one can make you feel as good as I make you feel Daniella, me.. a Red Bull driver, your rival, your boyfriend."


A/N: Okay I have no idea what this chapter was. It was originally supposed to be funny with some heavy fluff but somehow I got sidetracked, and I suck at smut so I apologize for that.

Thank god Dani ended the call otherwise Toto would have been traumatized.

Why do I feel like this chapter would have been better if it was Carlos instead of Max?

Monaco race week, what do you think will happen? 

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