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"I love you so so much," Daniella patted the bulldog as he rested his head on her lap, soaking in all the love and affection she was giving him.

The sound of the waves hitting the shore filled the air as Daniella rested on the beach bed, enjoying the weather and the company. Toto and his family were also at the beach but a bit far away, enjoying their day. The area was not too crowded, giving her peace and privacy.

Lewis, who went for a swim, got out of the water and jogged over to Daniella and Roscoe. His teammate didn't give him much attention as she was busy admiring and playing with the bulldog.

He wiped his body with a towel and sat on the beach bed next to Daniella before unlocking his phone and started taking some photos and videos.

"Roscoe.." Lewis called out his dog but didn't receive any recognition. "Come here, buddy."

"He loves me more," Daniella shot him a bright smile before affectionately patting Roscoe. "Right baby?" She asked the dog who just slightly shifted and made himself more comfortable.

Lewis rolled his eyes, feeling a tad bit jealous but also happy with how much Daniella loves his dog. He was filming the entire time.

"But I am the one who loves him the most," Lewis complained but a laugh broke out at the end.

"Wrong, I love him the most," Daniella argued. "And he knows that," She gave a triumphed smile.

"Yeah okay, now I am jealous," Lewis joking said as he put down his phone and lifted Roscoe in his arm, and took him away from Daniella.

"Hey!" Daniella protested.

"Didn't you say you wanted to enjoy the sea?" Lewis reminded her. "You won't be able to do that by just sitting here."

"Jealousy doesn't look good on you," Daniella teased her teammate. "Besides, there is still time to...is that Daniel?" She pointed out and Lewis immediately turned around to see.

"Huh! That is Daniel," Lewis confirmed.

Daniel was greeting some people, probably his friends, and had a bright smile on his face. His eyes soon noticed the Mercedes duo and the smile faded. His eyes went slightly wide as he looked a bit panicked.

"She is going to kill me..." He said to himself before turning around and running in the opposite direction. He hasn't seen or talked to Daniella since Max created the whole mess by posting the photo on social media, and he is almost certain Daniella thinks it's his fault too since his advice in the past has done nothing but backfired.

"Why is he running away? He clearly saw us," Lewis looked a bit confused.

"It's Daniel. That should be enough explanation," Daniella replied.


"Will you two stop fighting about the dog?" Toto slightly raised his voice, scolding his two drivers as the waiter placed their dinner on the table.

"We are not fighting," Daniella defended herself and Lewis. "We are just discussing how Roscoe loves me more."

"Okay, first of all, Roscoe is my son, not yours," Lewis smiled and pointed an accusing finger at his teammate. "And you..."

"Okay, stop it you two," Toto snapped, sounding annoyed.

Daniella gave Lewis a mischievous smile before obeying Toto, giving him an innocent look.

"So you are going home tomorrow or the day after?" Susie asked Daniella as they all started eating their dinner.

"Tomorrow morning," The driver replied.

"And then she is going to Brackley and hopping on the sim straight away," Toto added. "And she will stay there till Silverstone."

"He is punishing me for my past relationship with Max and the entire mess that's going on," Daniella complained to Susie.

Lewis couldn't help but let out a laugh. Toto gave Daniella a stern look.

"That reminds me.." Lewis looked at his teammate. "Does your family know about Max?"

"No..." Daniella cautiously replied, avoiding everyone's gaze. "They think I am still with him and dad is happy because he thought I was going to die alone."

Toto pulled out his phone and typed something which Daniella obviously noticed.

"What are you doing?"

"Texting your PR manager," Toto replied. "Your family thinks you are still with Max. I feel like there is another disaster waiting for us."


A/N: Short chapter and nothing major happened. Just Dani spending the day with Lewis, Roscoe, and the Wolff family.

Lots of sim work for Daniella. Toto is punishing her for dating Max. Thoughts?

Thoughts on Dani and Lewis' friendship?

Daniel made a brief appearance but then ran away.

It's race week and it's in Silverstone. How do you think it will go for Dani?

How do you think the actual race will be? Any predictions?

Okay, it probably never going to happen but... what do you think about Daniella x Fabio Quartararo?

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