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"Daniella, wait..." Daniel jogged after the Mercedes driver as soon as he saw her in the paddock. He wanted to talk to her and apologize for telling Max everything before she got the chance.

Daniella ignored the McLaren driver, not even sparing him a glance, and went inside the Mercedes hospitality. Daniel can't help but feel guilty.

He knew it was not his place but once Max started opening up to him he, by mistake, let it slip and before he knew it Max started asking questions and he caved and told him everything.

Everyone noticed Daniella was not in a good mood. She was barely talking, and each of her smiles was forced and fake.

"What happened to you?" Lewis asked after observing her for a few minutes.

"Nothing," Daniella plainly replied, scrolling through her phone and drinking her coffee on the balcony of the hospitality.

Lewis didn't believe her and pulled a chair to sit in front of her.

"You are not very good at lying," He commented.

"I am not lying," She looked at him, trying her best to mask her emotions. "I am just not feeling well.."

Lewis shook his head slightly, letting her know he is not believing a single word.

"You can look at me like that all you want but my answer is going to be the same," Daniella stubbornly replied.


There was a slight bruise on Carlos' cheek but only visible from a closer distance, unlike Max's. Everyone was asking the Red Bull driver what happened but he just didn't reply and radiated his anger.

Carlos was hoping Daniella would show a bit of concern but she didn't even look at him. He can tell by her look that things got bad between her and Max, and honestly he never thought his intentions were going to lead up to what happened last night.

"Did you fall and hit your face like I did last month?" Charles joked as he took a closer look at the bruise.

"Something like that," Carlos lied. He knows he can't tell the truth without dragging Daniella's name.


"What the hell did you do?" Daniel scolded the Red Bull driver. They were only an hour away from the race to start.

Max looked guilty but also had a moody look. He realized what he did and said last night was wrong but is too stubborn and arrogant to admit it.

"I told you to go and calmly talked to Dani, let her confess everything to you first but you lashed out instead," Daniel tried to keep his voice low. "First you went and beat up Carlos, but judging but both of your states it looks like he beat you up. And then you went and lashed out at Dani?" He sounded disappointed.

"I was angry and... I mean he kissed my girlfriend.." Max argued.

"And what did you do in Miami?" Daniel snapped back.

"That was different," Max looked pissed yet guilty. "I thought we were over."

"Dani thought the same." Daniel pointed out.

"And what about what in the club, huh? She could have told me about Carlos the next day but didn't."

"You could have told her about the publicity stunt as soon as you found out but you didn't," Daniel argued. "You really are a hypocrite. I don't know why Daniella loves you."

Max was taken aback by the last sentence and looked shocked.

"If she loves me then she would have told me about Carlos..."

RACE 2 - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now