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FP1 and FP2 didn't go as expected for both the Mercedes drivers. The car was still bouncing, and the rain didn't make it easy. However, the team of engineers and mechanics are staying long hours to fix or at least minimize the issues as much as they can.

"You have to be careful Dani," Myra warned the driver as she got out of her racing suit and changed into a pair of baggy warm jeans and a team hoodie, her hair a bit damp because of the rain.

"What do you mean?" Daniella asked. "What did I do now?"

Myra didn't say anything, just gave her a look and showed her phone to the driver.

Daniella can't help but roll her eyes. It was a photo of her and Carlos from yesterday when they talked during the track walk.

"There are videos too," Myra explained. "And the F1 and Ferrari accounts shared those too..."

"Make sure our admin doesn't post it," Daniella huffed, not in the mood to deal with more drama, especially when it's related to Max or Carlos.

Myra nodded and quickly texted the social media admin.

"But I got to say.." The PR manager cautiously looked at the driver. "You and Carlos look very cute together... and the way he looks at you."

"He looks at Lando the same way," Daniella quickly said, trying to change the conversation.

"Just like you look at Max..."

Daniella felt her heart skip a beat but maintain her composer. She cleared her throat and pretended like she was not bothered by Myra's words.

"Max and I are no longer friends so..." She tried to lie. "I don't know what you are talking about."


Daniella was on her way out of the paddock after a long debrief, discussing the car and what could be done to improve its performance, and the strategy for the qualifying session the next day. She was having a lighthearted conversation with Myra and Nate when she felt an arm around her shoulder, taking her by surprise.

Daniel gave a warm smile to the three Mercedes members.

"Sorry guys, but I need to borrow my lovely, kind-hearted friend for a few minutes," He said to Myra and Nate, and before Daniella could protest he pulled her away and brought her near his motorhome where no one was lurking around at the moment.

"What the hell are you doing?" Daniella snapped at the McLaren driver which he kind of already expected was going to happen.

"I just wanted a few minutes alone with you.." Daniel said, sounding guilty. "I know you have been avoiding me... like your life depends on it which kind of hurts by the way...but I just want you to know how sorry I am."

"Okay," Daniella said emotionlessly and was about to leave.

"No no, wait," Daniel stopped her. "Just let me finish..."

"Let me make it easy for you," Daniella interrupted. "You are going to say how sorry you are for telling Max about me and Carlos when you and I both agreed the right would have been for me to tell him after the race. And then you found out what Max did with his ex in Miami but didn't bother to tell me."

Daniel stood silent.

"And then you are going to say that you had no idea Max was going to react the way he did, even though we already knew it was going to happen and you will apologize again."

"Okay... you basically said everything I was struggling to say for the past two days.." Daniel cautiously said, sounding guilty. "I just thought after he told me about...you know, about him cheating..."

RACE 2 - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now