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Y\N pov:
"Ur kidding me right I mean it's like a fairytale or something." Rummy said running forward and doing a little jump spin. He landed rather gracefully that is until he tripped and fell on his butt, I laughed uncontrollably. "It's not nice to laugh at ur friends now help me up." he said sticking out his hands for me to grab, I was still laughing. "Anyway what do u want me treat." he said as we walked through the doors of the tims. "I have money rummy i can pay for myself." I said reaching for my wallet. "nope u just go sit in paying, besides I know what you want you always get the same thing." "rummy I ca..." he cut me off. "no go sit right now." he said stomping his foot on the ground. "fine fine I'm going." I said as I walked away. I say at the table waiting for rummy for about 3 minutes before I pulled my phone out. I felt it buzz well we where walking. turns out I had a new text. it was Braden wondering what is was doing to night.
Braden: hey what are you doing tonight?????
Me: nothing y
Braden: well you have plans now I'm going to take you out.
Me: u don't have to what if I get a lot of homework I mean the days only half over
Braden: if u get to much homework then I'll help u with and then we'll go out. ur not getting out of this one.
Me: fine text me when ur on ur way see u tonight
Braden: yup I'll see you tonight byeeeeeeee :)
"Who are u texting is it our mistier man." rummy said sitting down in front of me. "he's only a mistie r to you because I'm not telling u his name." "we'll see about that." he said with a smug grin. "whatever give me my coffee ." "take it he said setting them both down, they hadn't put any labels on the coffee so I had no clue witch one was mine and I was not about to try rummy a he liked his coffee black. "come on rummy witch one is mine." "oh no would u look at that I forgot." he said in a tone dripping with sarcasm. "what do u want in trade for my coffee." "well now it looks like we're going somewhere. tell me his name and I'll tell u witch coffee is yours." he said smiling like he was a 5 year old or something. "really." he nodded, "fine his name is Braden happy." I said "now was that so hard." rummy said pointing at one of the coffees. I grabbed it and took a drink witch i spat out immediately. "something wrong with you coffee" he said with the sweetest smile. "you a dick you know that." I said grabbing the other coffee. my coffee, "well you know what they say you are what u eat." we laughed and walked out the door we where still laughing when we got back to the school. "is that for me, to thank me for all the lessons I thought you." said the joke who I just couldn't seem to shake most of the other ones had moved on to picking on the grade 9 kids but he wouldn't leave me alone right then he grabbed my empty coffee cup. "run." I said to rummy who had finished his coffee less then half way back. We bolted down the hall way into the art room where there was always at least one other person it was a quite safe place. that I could now run to from any point in the school in less then 5 seconds. maybe I should try out for track and field. I though with a laugh no one could bet me a the 100m sprint that for sure. me and rummy spent the rest of lunch talking and sitting by the far wall I the art room.
When I got home I went up stairs, and stared to get ready for my date with Braden. it was almost dark when he finally arrived. "I thought u where going to get me at like 6 or 7 not like 9"I said with a laugh." I mean nothing's even open right now so where are we going anyway?" I asked. "It somewhere that is never closed." he said smiling, "oh great your taken get me to the 24 hour grocery store." I said he laughed. "maybe..." he said I stuck my tongue out at him then the car came to a stop "close your eyes were here." I sighted and closed my eyes he took me me by the hand and lead me down a path. "Ok open your eyes." he said we where standing by the river there was a small picnic set up, about 10 feet away from us. he lead me over to the picnic And we eat and drank and talked for what felt like hours it was then that I noticed how many fireflies there where out here. "you know what would be fun chasing some fireflies maybe catching them." I said, he smiled and reached into the basket he pulled out 2 jars with holes punched in the lids. for then next half an hour, we ran around catching fireflies and when we where done we sat on the blanket and watched them fly around inside tithe jars for about before letting them go. by the time we finial left the river it was almost 1am good thing i don't have school tomorrow. Braden walked my door he moved a peace of hair off my
Face and held my check and held me like that for a minute before he leaned in and planted a soft kiss on my lips. I will never get tired of this how his
Lips feel on mine who even the softest little kiss is so full of passion, how are
Bodies fit Together so perfectly. it's feels so right with him.
(A/n hope your all enjoying the chapters I'll try to update more often sorry about being gone for so long.).

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