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Name: Talia Perez

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Name: Talia Perez

Age: 26

Height: 2 ft (as cat); 5'5 (as human)

Species: Cat

Zodiac: Aquarius 

Nationality: Portuguese 

TV Show: Chip n' Dale Rescue Rangers

Personality: Creative, Silly, Loyal, Generous, Friendly

Likes: Cake, Photography, Oversized coats, Pink Roses,  Sweet smelling perfume

Biggest Fear: Being in a plane crash

Occupation: Professional Photographer

Family: Unnamed biological parents (deceased); Unnamed adoptive parents (alive); Vanessa (adoptive sister; alive)

Love Interest: Mepps

Everyday Outfit:

Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff

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Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff

OP Race: Mink

Her reaction to a horror movie: *literally has a whole a$$ collection*

Can she cook?: Doesn't cook but is willing to do so

Any disorders?: HEAVILY insecure about herself and her body

Meaning behind her name: Dew from heaven

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