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' Nobody knows what I go through, wish you could put yourself inside my shoes ' - Nobody Knows x August Alsina

Azariah :
"Get the fuck out of my house! Are you fucking crazy nigga?" I yelled jogging down the hall to my room. I got to my room and saw the rose pedals laid out and wine on ice. That did nothing but made me more angry. I looked under my mattress for my small hand gun.

I heard commotion in the front of the house, I quickly grab my gun and Richie's shoes and shirt. "Ay, nigga where you think you goin?" I heard Keenon ask him.

"Man, I'm goin to get my shit."

"She gone get yo shit! Ari get this nigga shit." I was already walking down the hall to the front of the house when he said that.

"Get the fuck out!" I spoke through gritted teeth as I threw his clothes at him. I began waving the gun pointing towards the door with my finger on the trigger.

"Get the fuck out now!" I pointed the gun at the door. He wasn't moving fast enough for me. Before I knew it Keenon snatched the gun out of my hands putting it on the table near him.

"Ari what about us man? After all we been through together. This nigga here ain't gone treat you like I do! What about the ba-"

"You right hopefully he treats me better! Get the fuck!" I yelled as I swung the door open waiting for him to leave. "How the fuck did you get into my house anyways?"

"I got niggas that owe me. But you really think Ima let you go like that? Once you see the shit this whack ass nigga be doin you ain't gone have no choice but to come back to me." He stepped over the threshold dropping his shoes on the ground so he could put them on. I stepped back slamming the door in his face.

I needed a drink after that I walked into the kitchen over to the counter searching for something strong. Hennessy? Nah. Patron? Yes. I sipped straight from the bottle making a face as the Patron burned the back of my throat as I sipped. After taking about four long swigs I sat the bottle down on the counter. I sighed folding my arms on the counter placing my head in them.

"You straight?" YG asked as he walked into the kitchen. I didn't respond I needed some time to myself. "I just find it crazy how the nigga show up at yo house the day I get into town. Make me think he been over her the whole time I been gone." I was taken back by what he said I quickly lifted my head up turning around to face him.

"C'mon now Keenon really? After all I've been through with him you think I'd take him back? You think I'd cheat on you? I know how it feels to be cheated on so I would never do it to someone else. I know what cheating does and causes to a person deep down inside. Insecurities, trust issues and etc." I named a couple of issues I was secretly suffering from because of Richie's continuous cheating.

I thought Richie would get his shit together, that's why I stuck around so long. But it seemed like the more I waited on him to change the worse he had gotten. Now that I'm in a committed relationship with some Richie's realizes how good he had it. I bet you start loving me soon as I start loving someone else, somebody better than you Ciara said it best.

I pushed past Keenon quickly making my way to my bedroom closing and locking the door behind me. I paced the floor pushing my hair out of my face. I silently cried which only angered me, I only wanted to be happy. That's it that's all! I walked over to my dresser knocking all of the hygiene products on the floor. Watching as perfume bottles and lotion bottles bounced on the wooden floor causing loud thumps.

I dropped to my knees and began to cry. I pulled my knees to my chest and sobbed.

Keenon twisted the door knob on the room door before banging on it.

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