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Next Morning

I stirred in my sleep rolling over on my side. I reached for Keenon but he wasn't there. I rolled on my back rubbing the sleep out of my eyes before fluttering the open and being blinded by the sun shining into the room. I laid in the bed for a few minutes letting my eyes adjust to the light. I climbed out of the bed heading for the bathroom.

Once I was done washing my face, brushing my teeth and taking my shower I wrapped my towel around my body stepping out of the bathroom.

I walked over to my dresser pulling out a pair of panties, a bra, a pair of PINK joggers and a light blue hoodie. I figured I'd call into work today and see how I could go about gaining custody of Sabrina. Then we'd do a little shopping for her, the baby and myself.

Once I was dressed and called into work I set of towards the kitchen. "Mr.4-8-0-0 stop!" I could hear Sabrina's laughter as I made my way there.

I stepped into the kitchen to see Sabrina playing in Teecee's hair while she was on his back. Keenon was standing at the stove, cooking.

"Good morning Ms.Owens!" Sabrina jumped off of Teecee's back and run up to me hugging my leg. I kneeled down so that I was eye level with her.

"Good morning baby. We're not in daycare you can call me Ari." I smiled pushing some of her hair out of her face.

"Okay .. Ari?" She said in more of a question.

"Did you brush your teeth and wash your face?" I asked taking in the crust on her face.

"Nope! Him said I don't have to!" She pointed at Teecee and I shook my head at him. Of course his dumb ass would.

"Do see how yellow his teeth are? It's because he doesn't brush his teeth. You want yellow teeth?" She shook her head no. "Okay let's go brush your teeth."

"Okay!" She smiled.

"Let me say good morning to Keenon first then we can go brush your teeth and get you all clean."

"Is that you boyfriend?" I nodded my head. "Boys got cooties." She scrunched up her face as I made my way over to Keenon. Keenon and I looked at each other laughing.

"Morning baby you not going to work?" He asked placing a kiss on my lips and resting his hands above my butt. I shook my head no as I pecked his lips again placing my hand on his chest.

"Am I going to daycare?" Sabrina asked interrupting our kiss, I pulled tried pulling away from the kiss. Keenon had my bottom lip wedged between his teeth. I pinched his arm as he released my bottom lip.

"Actually-" I started. I needed her to go to daycare while I went down to the courthouse. "I need you to go today."

"You going too?" She asked as a pouted formed on her face.

"Not today baby, I need to handle business."

"I want to handle that with you." She folded her arms across her chest.

"Okay." I couldn't say no to her.

"She already spoiled." Keenon whispered in my ear I nodded my head in response.

Teecee walked into the kitchen and her face lit up with happiness.

"Another piggyback ride!" She chanted.

"You got 5 dollars?" He asked walking over to the stove looking in the pots she shook her head no.

"Well I ain't got no piggy back rides." I watched as she pouted I wanted so badly to give her a piggyback ride but the way my back was set up, it wasn't possible.

Molly the Maid || YG400 [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now