A girl needs time to process, y'all.

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I am officially speechless.

There's a whole different world that can be accessed through a stupid door in a stupid room in my stupid castle. And qI never knew.

    We woke up on grass. Jake was sitting a few inches away from us, waiting for us to wake up.

He said that first time teleportation is quite difficult but we took it like champs.

Then, we walked a little while longer till we could see a little town.

A crystal clear stream flows between it, separating it into two different parts. Residential and commercial, he said.

We are walking over a bridge to go to the Residential part of the town. The houses are short and hut-like. And the people are all smiley and happy.

Yep. This is definitely not Queloband.

       After walking a bit more, we are met with a house different than all the others.

This one is a mini manor.

I am guessing this is where Ventarix lives.

"Lady and Lady, I want you to meet Venatrix."

"What?!" Ocean yells and then looks embarrassed and places her hand over her mouth, when people look at her.

He knocks on the door and clears his throat before announcing, "We have visitors, my lady."

My heart thumps hard enough for me to hear it.

I remember when I was three, getting up in the morning, wondering which mother I'll get today.

Powerful and angry Venatrix, Royal and absent Themis or just Mom.

I remember praying every night to wake up and fine Mom. Not any of her other parts.

Dad used to say it was because of the magic.

But why listen to that monster?

The creaking of a door opening reaches my ears and I look up at the door.

A woman appears.

Am I hallucinating? I have got to be.

She looks up and blood thumps in my ears.

I take a step back.


This is not happening.

It's a dream. I'll wake up soon.

"Jake...it's been so long since we talked, hasn't it?" She says.

Her voice— no no no no.

I run my hands through my hair and ignore Ocean.

I'll be back soon, my princess. I promise, the words ring in my ear.


A nursery, a mother, a baby amidst a war.

My chest tightens until I feel like I can't breath.

I knew it was Mom.

Then why is this happening?





"Esmeray? Is that you?" She asks and our eyes meet.

The same goddamn eyes I look into in the mirror. Purple with a rim of gold.

"Mom?" I blurt out without thinking.

"Hi." She takes a step forward and I take another backwards.

Mom? Themis? Ventarix? Who is she?

She laughs.

My head spins.

What the actual fuck is going on?

Her heels make the same click-clack sound as mine do as we walk inside.

Ocean is sitting on the couch, looking around and beaming with excitement.

"You're free to look around, Ocean. The town, the house. Whatever. Everything and everyone is always safe here," Venatrix/Themis says.

Ocean gets the cue and nods, walking away to who knows where.

I don't think I should've let her go but I am physically incapable of saying anything right now.

Hell, I can't even think properly.

"I know how confusing all this might feel," Venatrix says, sitting down on the couch.

I prefer standing. It'll be easier to attack if this is all fake.

"I assure you it's not fake."

What the fuck?

"Language. Um..okay so we have a lot to talk about.."

"No we don't, you selfish gargoyle. Bring back my friend and send us back home," I finally manage to talk.

"I understand you're anger against me. It's normal. It's...it's the right reaction. But you have to understand..."

"I don't have to understand anything. I am done understanding. I understood that my parents had to fight wars instead of be there for their own children. I understood when my mother left me in the hands of a monster who turned me into a weapon. I don't think I have to understand anything else."

      It's so weird. I thought if I ever met my mother, I'd be excited and happy. But now all I feel is rage.

"I am sorry, Esmeray. Whatever that's worth. Just... just know that whatever I did was to protect you. And if the Rebellion rumours are true, you need me to take down your father."

"I don't need protection. And I definitely don't need you. Not then, not now, not ever." I snap, "Get Ocean back here and send us home."

"But don't you wanna look around?" She asks, frowning.

The only thing I want to do is punch her.

I shake my head and cross my arms, waiting for Ocean.

The door opens and instead of Ocean, Jake steps in.

He greets my stupid mother before looking towards me and smiling.

"I'll give you two a minute to say goodbye," She says, walking away.

"Wait... good-bye? You're not staying?" Jake asks, once she is out of sight.

"No. I already told you. I have responsibilities...and people...to get back to," I reply.

Jake takes my hand and Azrael's face pops in my mind before I wiggle away.

"C'mon! Is going back to that stupid father of yours who doesn't even care about you really better than staying in this beautiful place with a goddess to protect you? And...and I am here, Es," He says, the last sentence hitting me right where I am weak.

"I am sorry, Jake. If everyone ran from the world's problems then there'd be no one left to fix the world."

"Why do you have to do it? Why does it always have to be you?"

     I can't give him an answer for that. But if I waited until someone came and saved the world (and me) then the world would never be saved.

"It just has to be, Jake. And I will come back for you, this time. I promise."

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