Fighting the devil

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"What the actual fuck is wrong with you?" I shoot the the window. The glass shatters.

     I storm into the throne room, ignoring the many nobles talking to my father about shit I couldn't care less about.

"Esmeray. I am busy. Can you not see?"

"Oh, I can see. I just don't give a damn." I shoot the bottle of wine on the table beside his thrown.

He sighs, clearly annoyed with me, and the mess I made.

I want to punch the shit out him until his nose is broken and he can't breathe and-

    The nobles scurry out of the room before I get a chance to shoot them.


I send a bullet through a glass table.


One through the glass showcase of weapons.


"I know, Essie."

Why does he look...sad?

I don't care. I don't care. I don't care.

"Why would you do that? His sister was four. Four, Kayan. What did you do to that child?" I yell at him, holding back tears.

I saw a picture of her.

It's like he killed my sister all over again.

"What are you talking about?" He asks.

And I explode.

   I grab the nearest glass cup and hurl it towards him.

He ducks.

I walk up to his throne, press the gun to his forehead.

Like father, like daughter.

"Stop acting so innocent. You know what you did."

"Essie. You have to listen to me. I— this is not me. Essie. Can you hear me? This is not me."

I open my eyes and take a step back.

"What are you saying?" I ask him.

"I didn't say anything."

What the fuck?

I close my eyes again.

"Essie. Sweetheart. Get out of here. Run."

My father's face flashes before my eyes but...this picture— it's of when he was much younger.

"Essie. Run."

What's happening?

"What's wrong? Shoot me."


I don't know who is real.

Him or his voice.

I need to go. Out of here. 

I walk into my room with a throbbing pain at the back of my head.

    I flop down on my bed, rubbing my eyes smearing my mascara in the process.

"Essie? Are you busy?"


I jump up and look at the door.

He stands there in a grey hoodie and dark jeans, looking as handsome as ever.

"No. Of course not."

He walks over to the bed and lays down beside me.

    I can see that he's been crying. I hate not knowing what to do.

He closes his eyes, shifting closer to me.

I am so, so, so grateful that he didn't get mad at me. He had all the right to. But he didn't. Even if he did, he didn't show it.

I run my fingers through his hair and he raises his head, leaning into my touch.



"I don't feel good."

It takes me a few seconds to reply.

"How can I help?"

This time, he takes time to respond.

"I don't know."

I wish I could bring his sister back. I really do. But that's not possible.

He opens his eyes and scans my face, frowning when he sees the scar under my chin.

"You're hurt." His finger trails the scar.

"It's okay."

He lifts my chin with his pointer, his lips breathing out over the scar before dropping a quick kiss.

He pulls back, our eyes never leaving the others.

We lean closer and closer until our noses touch and I can almost hear his heart.

Shivers run down my spine and my eyes flutter close.

He cupped my chin, bringing my face even closer. 

   His lips capture mine and I can't not smile against the kiss. Our mouths move in perfect sync like a melody sacred to us, just us. 

I grip his arm as his fingers run through my hair. 

    When we finally pull away, he wraps his arm around my neck, fingers still messing with my hair and pulls me into his chest.

I throw my leg over his, and reach up under his shirt, drawing patterns on my back.

"Essie. You need to leave the palace. Find your mother."

Not again.

"Essie? You okay?"

I hum in reply. 

I don't want to think about anything other than him right now.

Azrael grip tightens on me and for some reason, tears start running down my cheeks.

"Look at me, love."

I do.

He reaches over and wipes my tears away, kissing my cheeks.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No. You— you have a lot of your own stuff to deal with... I don't want to burden you."

"You're not burdening me, love. You can talk to me. I'll listen."

"Not now. Okay? Let's just... Not talk right now. "

    I snuggle back into his chest as he arms wrap themselves around my back.

"Works for me."

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