That's not very motherly

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This seems too easy like bringing back Ocean.

But I don't have a plan B, or a plan A for that matter. 

I take a tiny peek inside the room.

"She's there. Emerald is too."

Lucas nods grimly beside me. The lights had been turned out a few minutes ago but only a few of them.

In the dim light, I can see almost all of Lucas's visible wounds. He has a nasty gash on his arm which is definitely going to scar, there's blood on the side of his head and there's smudged dry blood on the skin above his lip.

"You don't look much better," He comments.

That's true.

Now what?

Do we go in or....

"There she is. Come in Esmeray."

My heart stops beating for a second.

Lucas and I exchange a look before stupidly stepping into the room because let's be real, she knew we were here the whole time. Why she let us do all that we have done is the question.

"Do you know these people?" She says, her voice low.

A foggy mist appears in front of her chest, I hear Ocean scream. Lucas grabs my hand.

"Themis. We're here. She has nothing to do with this," He says, his voice shaking with every word.

She screams again.

"Themis, please." Lucas cries out.

"Esmeray, do something."

He look at me, expectations clear in his tear rimmed eyes. Ocean's voice breaks in a sob and Lucas gasps as if he's the one being hurt.

I open my mouth to say something when I hear, "I don't know where she is!"


My hands shake.

"Mom," My voice breaks.

Ocean screams and sobs and Lucas falls to his knees beside me.

"Mom, please."

Azrael yells as he keeps saying he doesn't know where I am or what my plan is.

"How loyal. It's cute."

I don't know what hurts more. My heart or my head.

"You're a fucking bitch, you know that?" Lucas says, every word coated with dripping anger.

"You die, they live," She tell me, ignoring Lucas.

I look at him, at the mist, at my sister bowing at her feet.

How do I know the mist is actually them and not an illusion?

"Prove that it's actually them."

The mist lightens, both of our dates are tied to chairs, Ocean's cheeks tear stained and Azrael face a bleeding, bruised mess.

My knees go weak.

All the walls I spent years making break down all at once.

Rage and betrayal take control over my every move.

Before I can rationalize my thoughts I have ran up to my mother and my hands reach down and grab her by the collar of shirt.

I feel like I’m outside myself as I shove her back again and again like a child throwing a tantrum because I never got to be a child. All. Because. Of. Her.

Before she can react I have pulled her up my the arm and punched her in the stomach, as she stagers back, I have uncovered my sword.

Tear sting my eyes. My head spins.

She dodges another hit and lunges.

A choking sounds escapes my mouth as her fists close around my throat, it gets difficult to breathe as I throw my arms, squirming to get out of her hold.

She shoved me against a wall, dragging me up until her feet dangled six inches off the ground.

I grab her hand that's on my neck, clawing at it, desperately trying to get it off, my legs kick at her. My airways start to close, my vision disfigures.

It gets harder to kick at her. Harder to keep my eyes open.

Until she stops, grabbing the back of her head.

I drop to my knees gasping for air.

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