Chapter 38: War

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Carls pov
Clem and I got up and ran as fast as we could to the front of the prison.

"Do you think it could be-" she said.

"No. It can't be, he said he was alone." I said, cutting her off.

We ran out the doors that led to the front.

"CARL, GET A GUN AND TAKE COVER, CLEM GO GET EVERYONES STUFF AND PUT THEM IN BAGS THEN COME OUT HERE AND GRAB A GUN." Screamed Maggie as she shot at a big tank that use to belong to the military.

"OKAY." Clem screamed back.

Clem kissed my cheek.

"Be careful." She said. I nodded. We both ran in separate directions.

Clem's pov
I ran back into the prison and went to mine and Carl's cell first. I got a big bag from the corner and put all our stuff in it, starting with our clothes, then Judith's clothes, diapers, and bottles. Then I put the stuff that I got Carl on that run a long time ago in the bag as well. I found the flower crown that Carl had made for me a while back, I packed that in carefully then zipped up the bag. I picked up the bag and carried it on one of my shoulders then got Judith from her crib.

I went to Beth's cell, I saw her on her bed asleep. I walked over to her bed and woke her up.

"Beth. pack up all your stuff and then help me get everyone else's stuff packed, don't ask why just do what I'm telling you." I said quickly. She got up and got her bag from the corner of her cell and she packed all her stuff, when she finished she ran to Glenn and Maggie's cell while I went to Rick and Daryl's cell.

I grabbed their bag and put all of Carl's comics in it since there was no more space in our bag. Then I packed their stuff which wasn't much. I found some guns and ammo in their cell also so I put that in the bag.

When I was done there, I went to Michonne's cell, got her stuff then got out, i then rushed to the library with two other big bags, bigger than the others and put as much books in the bags as I could. When I was done I met up with Beth at the prison door.

"Did you get carols stuff too?" I asked her. She nodded.

"Okay" I said.

I opened up Michonne's bag and put it on the floor, I put Judith in the bag, on top of all the clothes then zipped it up but left about three inches of it unzipped.

"Did you get all of the food and Judith's formula?" Asked Beth. I nodded.

"Yep, right after I got Michonne's stuff." I said.

"Alright...ready?" I asked. She cocked her gun.

"Ready." She said while nodding. I opened the door and we ran to the van.

Beth shot a couple people on our way to the van and I stabbed some walkers that got in our way. Judith started to cry so we ran even faster to the van.

I opened the door to the van and put all the bags in there and then Beth put all the other bags in there.

"Okay, mine and Carl's, Maggie's and Glenn's, Hershel's, Michonne's, Carol's, Judith's, your's, Rick's and Daryl's, that's everyone!" I said.

"Okay, Clem, Beth, get in the car, we'll get the others on our way out." Said Maggie. I looked at the prison, it was half gone...the people have destroyed it.

I was about to get in when I heard.

"HOLD YOUR FIRE." and then it was quiet.

"Remember me?" Asked...Shawn. He was standing on top of the tank with a megaphone. I was speechless.

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