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[n.] The strong desire to be up in the air or to fly.

There, standing as if he never been 6 feet under in Duat.

Was Osiris.

His skin is an olive green rather than a tan, most likely due to him being dead.

His eyes were warm towards the god of war, his little brother just as Isis hugged her husband.

Genevieve covered her mouth as memories resurfaced, bile rising from her stomach.

And soon, another explosion happened. Everyone, but four were coughing from the dust and sand in the air. Osiris and Isis were holding each other, not a scratch on them, as Ra stood before the couple with Seth sitting up from crashing into the wall.

"We're still in your trial, and you've also injured my cute priestess. Now, it's good to see you Osiris." a familiar grin made it's way onto the true god's face. "Rising from Duat all on your own, you're truly the god of Life. Wonder what secrets you have." And with that, Ra walked over to his little priestess who was quivering.

"There there, darling." He cooed while lifting the priestess in his arms and settled onto his throne. Rubbing her back as she curled herself on his lap.

Ra wasn't pleased that his sweet little devotee was scared. Despite knowing the source of her fear, he is unable to eradicate it.

And thus, the trial began with another witness. Osiris.

"Osiris. Do you swear that you shall speak the truth and nothing but the truth?" Maat announced, her gaze directed onto the man who nodded. "I swear on my heart."

His heart was placed on the scare, thriving with life.

"That bastard..." Ra's priestess hissed under her breath, causing the god to smirk and pat her head as they watched and listened.

But as he spoke about his side of the story.

Genevieve was holding back her scream that he is hiding more than everyone thinks.

He's only telling the truth, but not the whole truth.

He's hiding

He needs to burn.

The temperature within the room began to rise alongside her anger.

The fire's grew larger.

"And just like that.. I drifted down the river of Duat." Osiris spoke solemnly, but an unexpected thing happened.

The flames exploded into raging fires as the Priestess appeared by the god of truth and judgment. The room was scalding hot.

And she was enraged.

"You're hiding." was all that she said. Her brown hair was waving around hazardly, the coloring changing from brown to an orange red like flames. A mere human with this much power?

Golden orbs glared down at Osiris, who's body began to smoke under her gaze.

"STOP HIDING AND TELL EVERYTHING!! I KNOW. I KNOW WHAT YOU'VE DONE YOU SLY GUTLESS PIG." Maat tried to calm her down, but when she tried to place her hand on her shoulder, she pulled away from the intense heat coming off from the woman in waves that rivaled the Sun god's anger.

"If you don't tell them.." She slipped over the sandstone and dropped to the floor, but Seth was quick enough to create a mass of stairs from sand, which turned into jagged glass from her touch, but it melted when she stepped off it, approaching the three.

Horus backed away, feeling the heat coming from the actual source coming closer.

And Osiris was ignited in flames due to the close proximity with her. But he continued to stare at Genevieve.

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