xvi. 𝐈'𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞

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"Hey, it's thirty past seven!" Tobias, the man that owned the mechanic shop, called as he walked into the back garage

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"Hey, it's thirty past seven!" Tobias, the man that owned the mechanic shop, called as he walked into the back garage.

Rocky rolled out from under the car. "Already?"

"Times flies." he nodded, tossing Rocky his bag as he quickly yanked his gloves off. "How's she looking?"

"Just needs a oil change and she'll be ready!" he called, running through the little shop to go for the back shower, a single one incase of a oil spill on someone or if Tibias was staying over night. It was just him for the longest time, until he met a boy with a passion to get a job that could help his Mom with the bills and enough to buy burritos for breakfast.

"Come by after school and i'll have it ready." Tobias spoke from the other side of the door.

"Seriously!" Rocky called in excitement. "Hell yes!"

"Your grade has really improved." Mrs.Shelly smiled as Rocky approached her after class. "The extra practice before school helping?"

"I think it's the one on one." he cleared his throat, looking down at her wedding ring. "So, you're married."

She gave him an odd look. "Excuse me?"

"No, I me-" Rocky laughed at himself, sitting down in the chair across from her. "I was just curious if I could get your advice on something?"

"Okay, what do you need?" she nodded, adjusting her glasses.

"So, I have this friend, back home. She's a redhead." he exhaled with a minor head bop. "And, we're just friends, completely. But, I don't know, lately i've just been thinking...like-maybe, if I had stayed in Indiana, we could have kinda been a maybe thing."

"A maybe thing." Shelly nodded.

"Yeah, she's my maybe thing." he nodded back. "And, the more I think about it, the more it makes me go crazy thinking about if it was true. Like, obviously long distance is terrible, you should see my sister and her boyfriend, it's a nightmare, but what if I was there, you know? Would we have been together? Would we have listened to Kate Bush and talk about how much we hate the world? I don't know, do I wanna know? I don't know. Do I want us to be a thing? I definitely do not know."

"Woah, okay." the woman waved her hands at him to calm him down. "It sounds like you might be over thinking this."

"That's what my Mom says." he exhaled. "So, your thoughts? Opinions?"

"I'd say just do what you think is right." she shrugged her shoulders at him. "If you really want to know if you two have more then a friendship, if you'd have stayed in Hawkins, then go test that theory. If you're too scared it'll mess things up and you don't want to know what would have happened if you didn't move, stay here."

Rocky inhaled, nodding his head. He heard a chatter of laugher from out side the school. "Have a good spring break, Mrs.Shelly."

"You too, sweetie!" she called. Rocky hurried down the hallway, thinking about all she said, thinking about what he felt and what he didn't feel. As he pushed the doors open, he no longer had a single thought in mind rather then the scene that was playing before his eyes now.

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