Princess meets Pirate

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^ dress your wearing^

(Y/n)'s pov:

The town was going crazy but I have no idea why. I rang the bell next to my bed; that way, my maid knows I need her.

I walk over to my balcony and open the door so I can step outside.

"Miss you called for me?" I heard behind me.

"Yes, I want to know what is happening in the town."

"Oh well, a pirate ship landing at the docks today, and so everyone is freaking out."

"A Pirate ship!?" I turned around fastly and I started walking out the castle.

"Miss!" She called out to me as I was farther away from her at this point.

"Miss, you can't run off like that; imagine how much trouble I'll get in." I was now walking with her right behind me. "Miss, please talk to me."

"Madelyn, please be quiet." I said as I kept walking closer to the docks.

"Miss, why are you getting closer to the docks? The pirates are they there. You never know what might happen to you."

"Shut up. That's an order." I quickly said as we got to the pirate ship. I got very close, close enough to hear voices.

"Captain Madrigal, how could you bring us here?" I heard a voice.

"Because this kingdom is rich beyond our wildest dreams. We can finally return home if we get enough money." I looked over at Madelyn. 'The Captains voice is hot.' I mouthed to her, and she rolled her eyes.

"Well, what do we have here?" I turned around quickly, only to see two pirates standing in front of us.

"Um, we should be going, right?" I asked Madelyn; she quickly nodded.

"Not going to happen, pretty ladies." They quickly grabbed us and threw us over their shoulders.

"Great, now look what you've gotten us into your highness." Madelyn said to me, rolling her eyes.

"Yo Captain, look what we found hiding by the ship." They dropped us down.

"Ladies?" I heard the voice again. I felt fingers under my chin, making me look up.

"Holy shit..." I said whenever I saw his face.

"What?" He asked.

"Unhand her, you dirty, no good pirate. Do you know who she is?" Madelyn said, and I glared at her.

"Madelyn, if something happens to me because you can't keep your mouth shut your so fired."

The pirate in front of me stood up. "Do you know who I am, Madelyn?" He asked.

"A no good pirate now let us go. Her father, the king, will be very worried." I mentally slap myself.

"I'm the captain of this ship. My name is Captain Madrigal. Welcome to my ship, ladies. Now, your father is the king, so that makes you the princess." He said to me. He held out his hand to me, and I hesitantly took it. He helped me up. "Thank you." I was so close to him. I looked at him. His beautiful hazel eyes, his freckles, his hair, his loosely unbuttoned shirt showing his abs. "Like what you see, princess?"

I quickly looked away. "I don't know what your talking about."

He dragged me into a completely separate room. He pushed me against the wall and put his hands on each side of my head. "I see the way your looking at me. Your giving me fuck-me-eyes."

"Excuse me?" I said slightly offended and confused. "I have to admit I've never fucked a princess before." He started taking off his shirt but I stopped him.

"What are you doing?" I asked him. "Are you a virgin?" He asked me.

"What is that?" I asked him. He sighed and moved away from me. "That answers my question. How old are you?"

"I'm 19." I said, "now what is a virgin?" I asked him.

"Someone who's never had sex before. Someone like you." He asked.

"Captain Madrigal your confusing me. And why did you bring me in here. My maid is screaming her head off."

He sat down on the bed in the room. "I'm the captain of this ship, I can do as I please. Since you are on my ship you follow my orders."

"I will not! Now answer my questions." He stood up and grabbed me before pushing me onto the bed and getting on top of me. "Do you know what sex is?" My face was red because of the position were in. I shook my head no answering his question. "Wow your 19 and you don't know what sex is. You know normally princesses your age are wed by now."

"I don't want to marry a prince, they're all such up and rude the treat me horribly and I refuse to marry someone I don't love. I choose to stay single. Now let go of me." He leaned down and kissed me. Before breaking the kiss and placing his forehead to mine. "Would you like to learn what sex is, princess?"

"Captain Madrigal, I um that sounds. I can't, I want, I mean." I was struggling to speaking, my face was bright red.

"Hermosa..." I heard him say under his breath. "Thank you." I said embarrassed.

"You understand Spanish?"

"Sí, Hermoso." He kissed me again. "I'll ask again do you wish to learn what sex is?" I covered my face.

"Cap-" He stopped me.

"Right now just call me by my first name." He said to me.

"I don't know it though." I giggled.

"Its Camilo. May I ask what your name is?"

"Its (y/n). It's nice to meet you. Now can you get off of me." He nodded and moved. "You actually listened to me." I said shocked. He stood up and helped me up.

"I may be a pirate but my mama and papa raised me right. Plus I lived with 3 female cousins, a older sister, my mama, Abuela and my tia. I'll never disrespect a lady, especially a princess." He took my hand and kissed it.

"Let me see my lady now!" I heard Madelyn yell from the other side of the door.

"Camilo, can you meet me by the castle gates, tomorrow afternoon?" He put his hand on his neck. "I don't know, this sounds like a trap. Are you trying to get me arrested? I haven't even stolen anything."

"No I just want to get to know you. Your the first person who treats me like I'm human and not just some princess who was just born unlucky"

"Unlucky?" He asked me.

"I'll explain tomorrow how about that?" He nodded and opened the door for me letting me out of the room.

"Men move aside." Camilo said to his crew. They moved and let me through. I grabbed Madelyn and walked off the ship.

"Miss are you alright?" She asked me.

"Madelyn, what is sex?"

Her face was red "did he have sex with you? Did he take your purity?"

"Madelyn I have no idea what your talking about. He kissed me."

"Oh dear. Miss we should get you back to the castle." She started dragging me back but we were stooped by some children.

"Princess do you have any food?" They asked me. I got down on my knees so I was at their height.

"No but here's some money." I handed them a bag of coins. "Share that with your friends." They thanked me before running off to the market.

"Miss your dress." Madelyn said helping me up. "I don't care about that. I swear I'll help my people in any way possible. That includes making sure the pirates don't steal from them." I handed back to the castle and straight to the throne room.

A Princess and A Pirate (camilo x reader) Where stories live. Discover now