A Walk to Remember

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(Y/n)'s pov:

Once I got into the throne room, I walked straight up to my father. "Father, I need to speak with you." I said, and he nodded. "Yes, princess?"

"What is sex?" I asked him.

"Oh God, where's your mother when I need her..." I rolled my eyes at my father. "Just tell me what it is." I started getting mad.

"Ok, princess. I'll tell you."

~a long and uncomfortable talk later~

"And that's sex." He finally finished talking.

"Thank you for telling me that. I'm going to bed. Goodnight." I kissed my father's cheek, then I go to bed.

the next afternoon~

I walked outside to the front gates and saw the handsome pirate I dreamed about.

"Hello, ca-" He stops me from talking.

"Dont say my first name." I was kinda hurt by him saying that, but I just nodded.

"So why did you want to meet?" He asked me as we started walking.

"I want you to see something. I overheard the conversation you and one of your crew members were having, and I'm trying to stop whatever it is that you think you can do."

"And why is that?" He said.

"Because. The only way you'll get any money from this kingdom is from the castle, and there's no way you can even get into the castle."

"What do you mean, princess?" He asked me. I wrapped my arm around his as we walked. He just looked at me and placed his hand on mine.

"For a pirate, you're such a gentleman." I said and smiled at him. "I was raised right." He said to me.

As we're walking through the town, I point things out to him. "Your kingdom is poor."

"Technology no. My father is just geedy and taxes the people so much. Whenever I come into town, I always bring a bag of coins that I give to my people. That way, they can at least have basic human rights like food. That's why I'm asking you to please leave my kingdom, don't steal from my people." He looked at me and smirked.

"Why would I do that whenever I haven't even had fun yet. And trust me, I don't steal money. I earn it. I can't control what my crew does."

"Please, I'm begging you." I stood in front of him, "I love my people dearly, and I can't stand the thought of what little money that they have being taken."

"What will I get in return?" He said, smirking, making me blush.

"I'll have sex with you..." I said softly, only making his smirk bigger.

"Sorry, princess, but you had your chance yesterday." He tried to walk away, but I pulled him back. "Please, I'll do anything to protect my people. You can do that to me as much as you want if it means you won't do anything to them."

Camilo's pov:

After she said that, I felt myself over come with guilt. "Look, yesterday I was testing you. I have problems trusting people. And so whenever I saw you and knew you were listening, I wanted to see exactly what kind of person you are." I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the forest.

A Princess and A Pirate (camilo x reader) Where stories live. Discover now