Thinking of You/ on my way

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(Y/n)'s pov:

It's been a year since I saw him, and I'm still thinking about it all the time. I heard my door open, and I sat up on my bed.

"Princess, you need to get out of bed..." I shook my head. "No, I'll get up out of bed whenever he returns to me..." I laid back down and felt myself cry.

"Princess, if I may speak freely, this isn't very ladylike of you, and we both know he won't come back. He's a pirate. He doesn't love you. If he did, then he has a very funny way of showing it." Madelyn walked over to me with her arms crossed. "I know he doesn't love me,"

Madelyn sat down next to me. "Princess, I know you're hurting, but you need to be strong for your people. You're the princess they count on and look up to," I nodded sadly. I sat up, and Madelyn helped me get dressed.

Today, I was wearing a dark blue dress with my hair in a braid. As I walked downstairs, I looked out to the docs, hoping to see a certain ship. Just like every day.

Camilo's pov:

I walked downstairs of castia and saw my Abuela talking to a lot of girls, my age, not married, and all wanting to be my wife. "Abuela, what is this?" I asked her.

"Well, I thought if you didn't want me to choose for you, then you can choose for yourself. So I've asked all the beautiful young ladies who are unmarried to come here today for you to choose a bride." I looked at her in disbelief.

"Excuse us, ladies. But you may leave now," I told them and looked at my Abuela. "May I speak with you privately, please, Abuela?" I asked her, and she nodded. We went into the other room, and she dropped the smile that was on her face, just moments before.

"Camilo, you need to get married soon. You're 20 now and my oldest grandson. I'm just trying to look out for you." I shook my head. "Abuela, I mean no disrespect, but you have no right over my life, I'll get married whenever I want and to a woman I love," she just nodded slowly and walked away. My mama walked into the room and saw me.

"Camilo, it's early for you. What are you doing up?" I sat down in a chair next to me and hid my face in my hands. "I've been thinking about her. The way I just left her, without even looking at her once before, she was crying whenever I just walked away, not even a night before we had sex and I just left the next day without even looking at her." I was sobbing, and my mama came over to hug me. "I hurt her so badly, mami. I can't even apologize to her or return her room key to her." I paused for a moment. I jumped up, scaring my mother. "HER ROOM KEY!" I yelled and ran upstairs.

I opened my door loudly and heard my cousins and siblings come out of their rooms. "What's going on?" Mirabel asked, rubbing her eyes. Whenever I found the key, I jumped up. "I found it!" I said loudly, causing Dolores to cover her ears.

"Oh dear, I think your brother has gone crazy," my mama said, and everyone laughed. "Yeah, crazy in loveeeee," Mirabel teased me.

"And so? What matters is that I found it, her key. I have a reason to return now," I smiled happily. "I need to go!" I grabbed a bag and threw some clothes in it and other things before running downstairs.

"I love you guys! I'll be back!" I waved to them as I ran outside of the Encanto to where the ship is.

As soon as I got on the ship and had the biggest smile on my face thinking about returning to her, I got the realization that I needed a crew to manage the ship. "Fuck!" I yelled and hit the wheel with my fist.

"Hey, Captain Madrigal. We're here and ready for your orders, sir. " I looked up, seeing my crew, standing proudly and smiling at me. "Really? But we just got back, are you sure?" I asked them.

"Yes, sir!" They all said at once.

"Alright then, men!" I smiled at them, which was rare now. "What's your first order, Captain?" My first mate and best friend Oscar asked me while wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"We're returning back to the (l/n) kingdom. I need to see someone about her last name."



Sorry for the short chapter, but I wanted to get something out, so I read my stories again to see if I got any ideas. And I did for this book.

Anyways, along with my apology for not updating, I also want to give yall some tea from my life to fill your souls 🙍🤌☕️

Here's the tea:

So my best friend of like 6 years, give or take, introduce me to someone like 2 years ago and I developing feeling for him, but so did they. So I pushed my feelings aside for him for those two years. They dated for like a month, then broke up. While they were together and even before we made jokes about us having a threesome or something like that. So whenever they broke up, I asked them if they'd be mad if I had sex with him. They said no, they wouldn't be cause we both agree that he's hot. (Which, omg, he's so handsome). Then, one night me and my bestie and I got dressed up and surprised him. Stuff happened that night, and the next day, they texted him him saying that they got jealous and they just wanted him to themselves.


Me and that guy have been texting and stuff since that day. We have really strong feelings for each other, but we don't want to hurt my bestie.

But here's the thing, my bestie treats me kinda badly. They use me to drive them around, use my money, dont give me gas money, use my nic or weed, and they honestly really don't care about my feelings. Also, they have two other partners *they're ploy* and they still want him to themselves. Even though he has told them multiple times that he doesn't want a relationship (I respect that) because he wants to work on himself more and other things, I also respect that. But they still push their feelings onto him.

He doesn't want to be with them anymore for multiple reasons, but I'm not going to say them all, just one. My bestie is always requesting money from me and him both. They have a job, but they don't budget their money.

So me and him have been keeping our feelings for each other away from them.

And to add to this, my bestie isn't caring about the stuff happening in my life. For example, I was recently blackmailed by someone who wanted money from me. If they didn't get the money, then they were going to send my nudes out to people who go to my school. Guess what happened.

My nudes were sent out, and now I'm a victim of a fbi case cause that's how far my parents are taking it. They're not letting it go.

Now, back tracking. My bestie was the day this started, I had to leave their house because my dad was taking me to my mother's since the person blackmailing found my address and where I go to school. So, for my safety, I stayed with my mom for a few days.

My bestie didn't text me asking me about it at all while I was there. Don't worry, he did, tho. Every day, he texted me good morning. Are there any updates? Are you okay? Are you safe? And he would talk to me till I fell asleep.

So there's some tea in my life, anyways if anyone sees my titties somewhere, then yall should tell me if I could make some money off of this, like Kim K 💅

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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