Run Away

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Camilo's pov:

I walked over to her and grabbed her arm. "Camilo let me go!" She yelled at me as I was trying to drag her out of the room.

"I can't I'm sorry, I need you to come with me now. The castle is under attack."

"By?" She asked me.

"Pirates..." She rolled her eyes and walked out of the room. "Its your crew!" She yelled at me from the hall. I ran out and saw them.

"MEN!" I yelled getting there attention.

"Captain!" They freaked out. "Collect everyone and leave everything your trying to steal now, who gave you these orders?"

"Sir we already took all the money the commoners had but it's not enough money for your journey." My first mate said showing me it. I grabbed the bug and handed it to the princess.

"Captain whyd you do that?"

"We're going home now. Pack up everything, we're leaving." They nodded and dropped everything before walking out the castle.

"So that's it? Your just leaving." (Y/n) looked at me.

"Bye." I walked away from her.  I heard her start to cry but I couldn't show that I care right now.

Whenever I got back to my ship the crew ketp asking me questions. I didn't answer them I just went to my chambers and laid down on my bed.

There was a knock at the door that got my attention. When I opened the door I saw two of my crew members holding one of the princesses, Ember.

"So it was you, Captain Madrigal, you sletp with my little sister and left? Just like that. Your no different then any man alive. Selfish and cruel." She broke free from their grasp. "Leave the kingdom and never come back if you know what's good for you."

"No problem Princess Ember. Men take her away." They did as I asked and threw her off the ship and we set sail.

It's been a month and we're stealing from some rich town in Rome before we ketp going on our journey. I was making out with princess whenver her husband walks in.

"Oh shit, gotta run!" I was about to run but I remember the dimond on her ring, I took her hand and kissed the top of it, while gently taking the ring off of her. Then I ran away with the guards following me. I hopped on the ship and we took off again.

Damn that princess is hot, but not my type honestly, to dominant for my taste.

Finally after months of sailing I return home, I'm finally back in Columbia. My crew went to their families and I headed to mine. I was walking uo the castia whenever I saw my family run out to me. Mirabel hugged me first before moving back letting my mama and papa hug me.

"Camilo look at you! Your a man now!" My mama started raining happily. "Tell me everything abiut your trip." She said while pushing me into castia.

"Sí mami, just let me rest for a little bit." She nodded and let me go to my room. My door lit up as soon as I touch it making me smile. I walked in and my room changed into what I was thinking about. The castle, her.... a image of (y/n) walked over to me hugging me.

A Princess and A Pirate (camilo x reader) Where stories live. Discover now