Rainy Nights and First Times 🍋

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(This chapter starts off with a smut)

Just a warning for anyone who doesn't want to read that. Remember Camilo is aged up to 20 in this book

Tw: knife play, degrading, overstimulation

(Y/n)'s pov:

"Your horny." He said and I blushed.

"What do you mean by th-" He kissed me, I kissed him back before I felt his hand touching my womanhood. It felt so good. He broke the kiss and smirked. "Telling by the look on your face I was right. Would you like help with your problem?" He whispered in my ear still rubbing me down there. "Oh my~" I moaned, I didn't know if I wanted to lose my virginity just yet but my body wanted him.

"I'll stop if you want me to but I think you don't want me to."

"Oh God no~" I placed my forehead on his shoulder and bit my lip. "Keep going~ p-please~" I couldn't keep myself from moaning. He picked me up before laying me down.

"Camilo lock the door." I said to him and he nodded. "I don't want anyone but me to see you like this got it?" He said walking back to my bed, I nodded my head and looked away.

He put his fingers under my chin and made me look up at him. "I want to hear you say it. Say 'yes sir' for me babygirl"

"Yes sir." I said shyly. I loved this feeling he was giving me. I closed my legs to make some kind of friction. He smirked and opened my legs and putting himself in between them so I couldn't close them again.

"Now now babygirl what are we going to do about your underwear." I saw him put his hand in his pocket before pulling something out. "I know, I'll just cut them off" I saw him open the thing and saw that it was a pocket knife. He cut off my underwear and bra. The cold air making my nipples hard and me even wetter than before. I sat up and pulled him into a kiss. I undid the buttons on his shirt and took it off. A flash of lighting lit up my candle lit room, then I heard thunder. I broke the kiss by jumping back and covering my ears.

"Hey what's wrong?" He asked me pulling me into his chest.

"I'm scared of thunder."

"Oh. Well then you'd be scared of my mama." He laughed. I looked up at him.

"Your mama? Why?"

"Its best if we talk about this whenever I'm not hard and your not naked." I giggled realizing he's right. He pushed me down and pinned my hands above my head. He kissed my breast lightly, before licking my right nipple. "Camilo~" I moaned and moved my legs up crossing them on his lower back. He kissed my neck before speaking in my ear "be good and you'll get it, I'm making sure your relaxed before I fuck you." He said and put and finger in my hole.

"Ah~!...Camilo~" I knew my face was bright red but this feels amazing. He was circling his thumb on my clit while doing this too. "Fuck..." I heard him said under his breath. His voice was so hot. "Damnit, I can tell this is going to hurt you a lot. Are you sure you want to keep going?" He said looking me in my eyes, he let go of my hands and place his now free hand down by the pillow next to my head.

"Yes I want to keep going. I'll get used to it right?" I asked him and he pushed in another finger. "Does that hurt babygirl?" I nodded fastly and he moved them out.

"Whyd you stop?" I asked him.

"Your uncomfortable right now." He said and helped me sit up.

"How do you know?"

"Your tight, tighter than you should be which means your uncomfortable. Tell me how I can make you comfortable if you still want to continue." I moved to where I was sitting on his lap, my chest to his chest and my arms wrapped around his neck. I moved my lower body slightly. "Maybe if I do this I won't be as scared to have sex with you." I could tell he liked the feeling by his face and soft moans.

A Princess and A Pirate (camilo x reader) Where stories live. Discover now